I found this Cosmo the other day. I thought it was very interesting and also I think it explains somethings that were a huge mystery to me!
"When in love, your body produces mood-altering chemicals that can override the part of your brain that governs rational thought." -Helen Fisher, PhD, anthropologist at Rutgers University and author of Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love.
The Good...Your new man calls to say he can't wait to see you again, and everything in the world becomes a little brighter: Your annoying boss is a loveable curmudgeon; your claustrophobia-inducing apartment, charmingly cozy. Hell, you could be stranded in Antarctica without a coat, so long as he's around to snuggle with. "When you fall for someone, the part of your brain that's rich in the stimulant dopamine is activated, causing you feel exhilarated." And the intensity of that joy spills out into the rest of your life, mitigating any negative things that may be going on. Dopamine also cranks up production of testosterone, the hormone that rules libido, which can explain your no-holds-barred horniness and Wonder Woman-like sexual stamina. You're probably also producing more norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that further stimulates your sex drive and is also associated with increased memory. That's why you suddenly have the ability to recall the tiniest details about your man--even what color shirt he wore to dinner 2 weeks ago. "Your brain is ensuring that you cherish every moment the two of you spend together."
The Bad...While being in love can put you in the happy zone, it can also be a tad hazzardous. "Activity decreases in the amygdala, a part of your brain associated with fear. Your internal alarm system doesn't disappear completely, but you are more likely to jump into fearful situations despite the consquences." That's why you assure your new man it's no problem (when it is) to have a leisurely breakfast rather than go to work on time. Norepinephrine is also at play. Yes, it keeps your mind laser focused on details--but only those that relate to your guy. It tends to hamper your ability to home in on anything else. "So much of your brain power is redirected to your man that every other person or project in your life just gets the leftovers."
The Ugly..."Because love sparks activity in the dopamine-rich areas of the brain associated with reward, you becomeas addicted to your man as would be to a drug." When you're with him, you're as high as a kite;when he's MIA, you bottom out. "The more affection and attention your 'love object' gives you, the more you crave--and the more depressed you'll feel if you don't get your fix." The lovesick blues may also be linked to a decrease in serotonin, a brain chemical that helps keep us calm and happy. "We know that low levels of serotonin have been linked to obessive-compulsive disorder. Some evidence suggests sertonin may drop by as much as 40% in people who are in love." Hence, the reason you drive by his house a million times and spend hours trying to analyze what he meant by "See you later." There's even a flip side to all that mind-blowing booty you've been having. "Sex can cause your levels of oxytocin, the "cuddle chemical", to skyrocket, giving you an exaggerated feeling of closeness toward your partner. It's nature's way of helping you bond with your man--whether he's earned it or not."