I spoke to my friend Brandon (one o' them Californians), and informed him of my impending move to Australia (my visa was approved today!) and we talked about my plans, dual citizenship and how I need to marry someone outside of the EU and Canada to capitalize on a diplomatic lifestyle.
Me: So, I need to marry and Australian, is what has to happen...
Brandon: Do they allow multiple marriages in other continents?
Me: Why? Do you want to get married?
Brandon: Alright, Yea! But, you'd have to cook. I'm okay with that whole domestic lifestyle if you are. I'll cut the grass...
Me: Sweet, will you fix things? Like the toilet if it breaks?
Brandon: Sure, I'll fix things. I'll fix the toilet. Or I'll try, and break a pipe, then have to call a mechani--or, err a plumber.
Me: No, I think you should call a mechanic for the toilet.
Brandon: Hmm, yes..."My toilet isn't running properly. I'm happy with the way it drives, but I'm concerned about how it's idling..."
Me: Okay, so where would we live?
Brandon: Well, I wouldn't mind someone taking me out of LA.
Me: Alright, but can we go there or somewhere else for winter? I'm really tired of Canadian winters.
Brandon: Well Australia would be good for that, wouldn't it?
Me: Yes, I guess you're right. Did you know they have huge spiders and snakes and tons of poisonous things that can kill you?
Brandon: Things...that can kill me?
Me: They have HUGE spiders and apparently you just have to get used to them.
Brandon: Well, big poisonous spiders might take me a while to get used to.
Me: You're going to have to kill all the bugs, okay?
Brandon: I'll kill all the bugs for you.
Me: Awesome! You're going to be the best husband ever!
Brandon: Hey, can we live in England?
Me: England? Sure, the weather's not very nice though. It's pretty grey.
Brandon: But it's such a cool place. It's got that wicked music scene.
Me: Hey, what about Scandinavia?
Brandon: Uh oh...the dog got away. (to dog) MARCO!
Me: Polo!! OKay so what about Scandinavia. Like Sw--
Brandon: Svvveeeeden!! yeeaahhh!
Me: Or Norway--Oslooo!! Hey--what about Africa? Like South Africa or Kenya? We could live with the lions.
Brandon: South Africa, huh...
Me: Do they have lions in South Africa?
Brandon: I figure if you're looking for lions, that's as good a place as any...