Title: Fluffy Winter Snow
Paring: JongKey
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,897
Summary: It's snowing outside and Jonghyun wants Key to play with him.
The snow was still falling heavily and Jonghyun was bouncing with excitement. Key, on the other hand, wore a scowl as he grudgingly pulled on his parka.
“It’s going to be freezing. I just know it.” Key grumbled, zippering his coat right up to his chin and doing up each button deliberately slow.
“Shut up, Kibum.” Jonghyun said playfully, throwing a pair of mittens and a hat at his best friend. Key caught them quickly before they could fall to the floor and frowned openly at the offending object.
“I’ll have hat hair if I wear this!” He argued, shaking the cute baby pink winter hat back at Jonghyun.
A smile spread over Jonghyun’s face and he shrugged, shoving his mitten-clad hands into his coat pockets. “If you don’t wear it, you’ll lose more body heat and your ears will freeze. Besides, pink looks good on you.”
A blush crept over Key’s high cheekbones and he ignored it, mouth set in a scowl again as he pulled the hat on harshly, then each mitten, little cat faces staring at him from upside down. Their pink little noses matched the hat perfectly.
He shoved his feet into his boots just as Jonghyun withdrew his hands and grabbed Key’s wrist, throwing open the door and heading towards the elevator. It dinged immediately and he pulled Key inside, letting his arm go to push the button to the first floor. Key huffed as soon as he was released and crossed his arms over his chest, pointedly looking away from the older in annoyance.
The doors closed and the older looked slightly up at Key’s face, mouth still pulled down by the corners. Jonghyun was in a giddy sort of mood, glad that Key had somewhat agreed to go outside and play in the snow with him. He had expected the younger to put up more of a fight. Key didn’t like the cold or the wet and he was guaranteed to be both soon.
Key’s face turned in his direction slightly and caught his eye. Jonghyun was practically bouncing again and his smile was bright. His happiness was infectious, and Key couldn’t help but smile because of it. He dropped his arms and pushed at Jonghyun’s shoulder lightly, his face totally serious.
“Yah, you throw one snowball at me and you're dead.” He warned.
Jonghyun just smirked, amused, as the doors opened and he strolled quickly to the front entrance, Key quickly catching up with him.
“Yah! Jonghyun, I mean it!” Key threatened again, shoving the older’s upper back with his hand.
Jonghyun ignored him again and they both stood at the glass front doors.
It was beautiful. Everything in the parking lot was covered with fresh, white snow. It looked very fluffy, and the best part was that since it was still falling heavily, it was untouched.
Jonghyun’s grin widened impossibly further and he turned to Key. “Come on!”
“You first.” Key replied as he gestured to the door, eyes slying in skepticism. “I want to keep you where I can see you.”
Jonghyun just rolled his eyes, smile unfaltering, as he pushed the door open and hopped down the stairs. The snow was sticky and he could feel it crunching under his heavy boots.
Perfect for snowballs, he thought mischievously, spinning around in a few slow circles, arms straight out. He stopped and faced Key, still on the stairs and watching him like a parent watching their child open gifts on Christmas morning.
His head spinned from the whirling, but Key still looked breathtaking in the falling snow.
He stooped down to the ground and Key looked ready to bolt as he scooped a bunch of snow in a pile, until Jonghyun quickly stood and threw the snow up into the air, lumps of it falling around him and splating against his head and shoulders.
“Come play with me, Bummie!” Jonghyun whined, grin still threatening to split his face in two.
Key scrunched up his nose in disgust as he glanced at the offending fluff gathered around their building. He held onto the rail as he took a hesitant step down, foot slipping on the icy surface and Key gripped the bar more tightly between his left arm and chest and his right hand, shock crossing his face.
Jonghyun laughed at his expression and Key scowled once again, angry and embarrassed that Jonghyun was enjoying his misery. He straightened and made his way more carefully down the remaining stairs to the snow-covered pavement, looking down and making sure his feet were planted on the ground sturdily.
Something small and solid and cold crashed then crumbled against the top of his head and he jerked it up to glare at a doubled-over Jonghyun, gasping for breath. Key's top lip twitched up and his nose wrinkled.
You are SO dead, he growled mentally at Jonghyun’s bent form. Taking advantage of his target still clutching at his stomach, he dropped to his heels quickly and scooped the sticky snow into his mittens, packing it hard into a ball. Jonghyun straightened finally and raised his mitten-clad hand to wipe his tears, catching Key with his arm already pulled back as the younger lobbed the snowball in his direction.
His face fell and he blocked himself hastily, snowball hitting him right in the forearm. Key smirked at Jonghyun’s surprised expression before it turned cocky.
Challenge accepted, Jonghyun thought as he stooped again, gaze still locked with Key.
Key ducked gracefully behind a nearby car, shielding himself as he also gathered more snow. The back of his neck and spine tingled with adrenaline as he moved to the front of the car, keeping an eye out for his opponent. He halted his breathing, puff of warm cloud disappearing from in front of his face to better hear the approach that would soon come.
And when it did, it was from behind him. He turned a moment too late as the snow scrunched and crumbled against his lower back. He groaned in frustration and took off after Jonghyun around the rear of the car, throwing his snowball too low and it fell pitifully to the ground, disappearing in the fluff.
He continued to chase Jonghyun around the parking lot, reaching out when he got close and narrowly missing his hood, fist closing around air and snowflakes.
Surprising Key with his sudden turn, Jonghyun spun and caught the younger, the force from Key’s running knocking them both down onto the cold snow. Jonghyun’s back hit the ground hard, but he simply laughed, holding Key to his chest, faces incredibly close. Key’s deep chocolate eyes stared into his and he sobered, both breathing heavily and causing little cloud puffs between them.
Key pushed slightly off of his strong chest and sat up, wincing as the warmth of his bottom melted the snow underneath and wetted his pants a bit. Jonghyun stretched his arms out, spread eagle, so he could sweep his limbs back and forth, creating an angel outline.
After it was finished, his leg flattening the line left where his legs would meet in the middle, he stared up at a shivering Key. Sitting in the snow with wet pants was sending chills up his back and cooling his entire body.
“Let’s go in.” Key suggested, teeth chattering softly and making a clicking noise every time the bottom met top. Jonghyun nodded and Key stood, extending his hand and grasping Jonghyun’s, pulling him up out of the snow and leaving his snow angel handprint-free.
Key hurried up the stairs and waited just inside the doors, bouncing on each foot to warm himself as Jonghyun climbed each step slowly, opening his mouth and sticking his tongue far out, catching a few flakes before joining Key in the warmth of the lobby.
Key removed his mittens and rubbed at his frozen bottom on the ride up, willing his pants to dry faster and bring the numb flesh back to life.
“I told you it would be freezing.” Key complained as they exited and walked back to the apartment, Key ahead of Jonghyun as the older shut the door behind them and taking off his coat, shoving his boots to the side with his foot.
The younger hung up his jacket on the closet door and headed for the kitchen, turning on the kettle by the sound of the click Jonghyun heard as he hung his own coat on the knob.
He went to the living room, plopping onto the sofa and sighing, spent from all the fun. Key had his pants undone and was peeling them down as he headed to the members’ shared bedroom, a huge dark spot on the already dark denim fabric.
Jonghyun pushed off from his thighs and stood, heading for the kitchen and grabbing two mugs, a green for himself and a red for Key, and the tin of hot cocoa. He spooned the same amount into each and reached for the kettle when it clicked off, blowing the steam away from his face as he filled each cup. He set the kettle back down on the counter and opened the cupboard, grabbing the bag of mini marshmellows.
Clenching his teeth around a corner of the bag, he grasped both cups by the handles and made his way back into the living room. Key was already sitting on the sofa, knees to his chest as he huddled for warmth under a blanket from his bed.
“I’m freezing.” Key complained again, still shivering slightly, blanket rustling.
Grinning enthusiastically, Jonghyun raised the mugs. “Cocoa.” He replied through his still clenched teeth.
Jonghyun set both mugs down on the coffee table and sat beside Key. He took the marshmellows from his mouth and ripped a hole in the bag before pulling out a handful and plopping them into his cocoa, spilling a few on the table.
Key scoffed at his childish ways and set his feet down on the floor, reaching for the bag to take a few marshmellows for himself. They each stirred the hot liquid so that it would melt some of the marshmellows and Jonghyun took a sip, wincing as it burned the tip of his tongue. He scrunched up his face a little and stuck out his tongue, and Key just laughed quietly to himself and rolled his eyes.
Jonghyun set his scorching mug of cocoa back down on the table by Key’s, who was smart and left it there to cool. He sat back against the couch, jostling both boys slightly and he sighed with content. He smiled as he nudged the younger’s shoulder teasingly with his own.
“You had fun right?” Jonghyun asked him sincerely. He took in Key’s appearance; sharp cheeks still a little flushed with cold and physical exertion of their playing, blond fringe somewhat damp with melted snow, dressed in his warm pajama pants with a fitted t-shirt and all bundled up in his fluffy blanket.
These moments were the best. When he could just be with Key like this and everything was perfect and comfortable.
Key looked back down to his cup and Jonghyun could see that he was fighting a smile.
Key never answered him, just picked up his mug and slurped away. But Jonghyun didn’t need him to confirm it.
He already knew the answer.
AN: First fic in a while. Hope you enjoyed! ^^