I dunno who ur babe is.Im so confused but i think i hava a clue if thats who we were talkin about yesterday. I had funn talkin 2 u 2 yesterday. Since me & gelle was comin ova 2 make u feel betta but u like left us. But it was 4 the betta neway. If the boy is not ugly and aggrevatin then u should go and have funn.There r a lot of cute boys that go 2 that skool...go find me a frend.The boys 4rm thibodaux r goin 2 b there..but im hopin they wont show. Cooks is tryin 2 talk me in 2 callin him but im not fallin 4 that.Well im gunna c u lata wen we go 2 the track meet. We need 2 go find a sring fling...u kno how we do.luv ya grl.
The trackmeet was funn other than the rain. & then u like disappeared afta a while.But u kno hotgrls still come out n the rain..oh yea.Duece was there but u kno what i think i will holla @ that durin bball season next yr.Now yall have 2 hear me talk about him 4 another yr.Cant wait til we play hahnville..i kno u cant either..lol.A lot of things have changed..u kno what. I think that it is 4 the betta tho. Now i am off 2 a fresh start. I have no1 ryt now.yay.Have 2 build bac up my status.lol. Luv ya grl.
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U kno how we do
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