1. Name?Samantha
2. Age? 21
3. Location:;West Sacramento,CA
4. Name(s) of your children? Elizabeth
5. My child's birthday(s) are? January 18,2004
6. The most exciting part of being in labor was?The ending when she was thrown on my stomach, she had her eyes open and she was reaching her arms out to me.
7. Did you have a c-section? no
8. Do you have a significant other?yes. his name is Robert and he's 19/ Weve been married fora year but off and on since we were 10 and 11 years old.
9. What is your most challenging aspect of parenting?Learning how to take care of Elizabeth when she was born. No one helped us and we had to learn everything on our own.
10. Do you have any Hobby's?lots..writing,drawing,shopping,collecting,penpals,motherhood,marriage,hello kitty,one tree hill,the oc,passions,gilmore girls,veronica mars,etc
11. What type of activitys do you enjoy doing with your children? well because elizabeth is so young we watch disney shows like " Rolie Polie Olie and Out of The Box." She loves to laugh so she just learned to jump so I let her jump on my bed, she runs and plays catch.
12. Pro-life or pro-choice? Why?umm. More or less pro-choice cause i like to make my own opinions about things and I do and say what I want to.
13. Do you have an emotional quality you would like to share?Im just very open minded and straight forward.
14. How do you feel about displine? What is your method? Well, right now Elizabeth is learning the word "no" so we just discipline her saying that. we dont hit her or anything, but when shes older then the discipline will change to in the corner or time out from her toys or something.
15. What do your children do that makes you smile?Lots of things..LOL. her crib is by our bed and in the morning when my husbnad goes to work, I wake up and her hand is holding my hand and its so cute. Then she gives the best hugs and always kisses me. Those things make me smile.
16. What made you decide to have children?
17. If your children are teenagers, do you feel that has been a difficult time and why? skip if you dont have teenagers.
18. What do you like to do as a family?We go to the park and play on the slide and swing, we take walks to the mall( its not that far away), we watch tv and play games.
19. How do you spend quality time with your children? well, we always eat as a family so we spend quailty time together. Mostly playing games and watching tv or dancing with Lilybell or whatever,
20. Name two things that make you a lovingparent? I was raised without a dad and mom who was always gone, never home so I wanted to raise my kids they way I wanted to be raised with a dad and mom. Another would be because I spoil her rotten and I would do anything for her no matter what and when shes scared she always wants me to hyold her and confort her. So, she knows Im loving and my husband knows that too:)
21 What frustrates you the most about parenting? And how do you deal with it? When she cris I dont know what she wants cause she cant tell us yet, so it frustrates me, but I just try to figure it out mostly. When shes teething, I know shes in pain and I feel sorry for her cause shes crying or whining and I give her medicine that will numb the pain.
22. If you are a single parent How do you cope with being a single parent? If not skip.
23. Please post 2 pictures of your children, and one of yourself. Family pics are great too.
and theres a recent pic that is my icon too.