another buety

Apr 27, 2005 10:05

Name: lee pillaro

Colors:white and pink
Nail Polish:i dont were nail polish but for girls i would ahve to say scarlet red

Movies:the butterfly effect, sin city, anything by or featuring quinton tarintino, monty pythons and the holy grail

Bands [10]:
1.still life
2.explosions in the sky
3.godspeed you!black emperor
4.indian summer
5.kite flying soicity
6.moss icon
8.minus the bear
9.benton falls
10.appleseed cast

Food:rice and gravy, or biscuits and white gravy, im form louisiana

Place to Be:on stage, whether it be singing or acting

Bush/Kerry KERRY, thats simple, bush is tottaly retarted, and went to wars because he didnt find the WMD and didnt want to be embarreses

Abortion/Adoption I AM PRO LIFE. i know this may offend alot of girls, but hey listen a baby has a life be it in or out of the womb. and just because its inside of your body does not mean that it doesnt ahve a life of its own. its not a part of your body, its just living off of it. and abortion is straight up murder. its just like me taking a wrnch to a babies head. abortion makes me sick and i have no idea how anyone can be for it

Suicide: i have never tried and never will try. i am not a fan, i dont think anyone should take that way out, no ones problems are that bad

Cutting:i never have done it and i dont see how its helps anything, all it does is relese crap into your bloodstream, the same crap working out releses, so next time you want to cut yourself, just do some jumping jacks

Drugs:a good way to ruin your life

Drinking:its ok socially, there is nothng wrong with drinking

Teen Sex: im sorry and i know in todays world my opinian may seem retarted but i think that sex can wait for marriage, i know many people who have had sex when there teenagers and regret it. besides true love waits
Smoking: i have smoked before but its not attractive and its pretty much just stupid

sXe:i dont like the term straight edge. to me its just another label and i am not a big fan of labels

Where did you find this community: i searched it

Why do you want to join:i think i have what it takes

Where did you promote [2 users and 1 community]:

3-5pictures of yourself [make sure they arent little red x's or links]

this is me along time ago at band practice, im in the middle

this is me doing some guest vocals with a abnd, and i know its blurry

yeah this si me outside a venue, the line up was on deck for tragedy, elsamort and we set out to sea, three really good bands

and 1-3 pictures of your significant other or anything that wont gross us out [oh and if your "significant other" will gross us out then dont post them]

that is my lover rebecca rene cunningham

well tahts it everyone hope i get accepted

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