I suspect that I may be dying. Granted, I suspect that pretty frequently but MOTHER. MOTHERFRIG! I'm trying to cut back swearing, but it HURTS SO BAD THAT I AM QUICKLY LOSING MY BATTLE.
Sunburn blows. I put a cold cloth on my stomach and approximately 30 seconds later it's boiling! Hot like the SUN.
Dude. I spent like, my whole childhood thinking there were only a few kids who had to do their verse in the morning and go to eurythmy on thursdays and do a lantern walk to winter solstice...turns out there are over 500 steiner schools in the world, lol.
okay, so maybe this assignment won't get fucking done. what the hell, it's fucking gotten deleted again. the third time! i'm just gonna go commit suicide, if that's cool with you.
lol epic guitar hero-athon earlier, my hands felt a little like they were gonna fall off for a bit but we're all good now. I think that my pinkies are getting stronger!