Long, stat thingy..
Name: Liam
Age: 18
Hometown: Charlottetown
Height: 5’10"ish
Status: Single
Occupation: Student
Hair color: Err... Dark Blonde/brown and blonde
Eye color: It shifts depending on... everything.
Tatoos: Only marker ones right now.
Piercings: 0
Braces: No
F r i e n d s . . .
Best: Err... I'm not terribly sure about that right now... I'll get back to you on that.
Most fashion conscious: Allan
Loudest: *thinks* Cameron probably.
Craziest: That's a loaded question.
Smartest: Depends on the subject...
Biggest Led Zep fan: Mitch? ((Not Xelsol Mitch... other Mitch))
Best looking: I'm a bit biased.
Nicest: *thinks* Nearly all of them?
Shortest: Natasha
Tallest: Not positive.
L o v e . . .
What do you like in a girl: Tolerance :P... Intelligence, and caring mainly.
Ever been in love: Yes
If so with who: Mel
Ever had your heart broken: More than enough.
Number of boys kissed: one
Number of girls kissed: *thinks* four?
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend now: nope
Do u like anyone right now: Yeah...
If so who: ...
L i f e . . .
Best feeling in the world: Love... in specific, love that you know will last.
Worst feeling in the world: Cramming everything inside from fear.
Dancing: More please? I've only really done it once..
If you could meet one person, who would it be: *thinks* Not a popular celebrity... someone I could learn something really really interesting from.
Number of things in my past that I regret: Can you honestly imagine anyone counting them all? Most people'd be in tears before they got half way through
Last thing you cried over or got teary about: ... It's been awhile, and I don't remember the specifics, but I definetly remember the why.
Ever smoke: no
Ever been drunk: nope.
Ever do drugs: Nothing harder than tylenol.
For or against gay/lesbian relationships: Whatever sails the boat.
F a v o r i t e . . .
Animals: Large cats... espicailly tigers.
Color: Navy
Drinks: Birch beer, but it's so hard to find.
Foods: Pizza is tasty.
Holiday: Summer?
Ice cream: Vanilla Fudge chunk
Movies: *shrugs* Anime?
Quote: Life sucks, then you die.. then it sucks more.
Song: It changes based on my mood.
Sounds: The ringing in my ears when there's absolutely no sound at all.
Sports to do: Swimming
Sports to watch: none really
TV show: Don't watch TV much.
Thing to do on the weekend: Roleplay.
E i t h e r o r . . .
Love or lust: Love
Fries with ketchup or vinegar: hot sauce.
Funny or scary movies better: funny
Milk or dark chocolate: Milk
Ocean or pool: pool
Pancake or French toast: french toast
Righty, lefty or ambidextrous: Ambidextrous preferably.
Showers or baths: Shower
Shy or outgoing: Depends
Silver or gold: gold
Sunrise or sunset: Sunset
Sun or moon: moon
Sunny or rainy: Sunny
Winter, summer, spring or fall: early fall.
S t u f f . . .
Do you like to talk on the phone: depends on to whom.
Do you play a musical instrument: not really... I poke at a guitar occasionally.
Dream job: Writer/entrepeneur.
Bedtime: 11 - midnight.
Early bird or a late riser: Late
Ever been jet skiing: No
Ever been skydiving: No
Ever been skinnydipping: No
Ever been convicted of a crime: No
Ever been drunk: No
Ever broken a bone: A tooth.
Ever met a celebrity: no
Famous relatives: Not recently famous.
Greatest fear: Being forgotten by everyone.
The last movie I saw in theaters: No clue.
Thongs: On girls? sure.
What's on your walls in your room: Posters mostly..
What's the best advice given to you: Tell the world to go to hell, and live your life.
What's your least favorite music: Hate most... /most/ country.
What's the best number: 21.
When you meet a girl you notice: eyes, and the area of the face right around them.
Where would you love to travel: Japan
What object can't you live without: Erm... Things containing knowledge (Computer, books, etc.)
Do you have a job: yeah...
Do you drive: yep
M o r e s t u f f . . .
What does your name mean: Defender
Roots: English
Biggest internal conflict: Existence?
Greatest flaw: A lot...
Greatest accomplishment: *shrugs*
Do you believe in yourself: Depends on in what
First thought when waking up: more an action than a thought.
Last thought when you go to sleep: I'm tired.
Is there any one thing you want to do before you die: get married
Number of people i could trust with my life: *shrugs* Could? a bunch. Would? not many...
Age you hope to be married: *shrugs*
Where do you see yourself in five years: Not sure yet.
If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only take one thing (not person) with you what would you take: ... A plane.
What was the best time of your life so far: Everything isn't that good or tainted or just strange.
How do you want to die: Quietly and painlessly.
Most missed memory in the past year: *laughs painfully*
Most valuable thing you own: *shrugs*
View from your window: The trees and the sky.
Last debacle: I've fucked a lot up in my life.
Last cuss word uttered: Look up a line.
Last im: No clue.
Last sexual fantasy: *hard glare*
Last lipstick: Never
Last time dancing: Last March, with Mel. last and first.
Last show attended: ? What kind of show?
Last big car ride: To Halifax over the summer.
Last song that was stuck in your head: no clue
Last CD you bought: Long time ago that.
Last CD you listened to: No clue
Do you like high school: yeah
Do you think you’re pretty: no
Do you think you’re ugly: sometimes
Do you think you’re funny: not in particular
Do you think you’re hot: occasionally
Do you think you’re friendly: sometimes
Do you think you’re amusing: at times.
Do you think you’re lovable: not really
Do you think you’re caring: I used to...
Do you think you’re sweet: no
What’s your best feature: intelligence?
Cursive or print: print
Do you cuss: a lot
Do you type w/ your fingers on the right keys: Ha
Ever made homemade cookies: Yep
Ever been on stage: Yes
Ever cut your hair: not by myself
Ever had crush on a teacher: nope
Ever played a game that required removal of clothing: nope.
Ever been caught "doing something": yeah
Time you wake up in the morning: really depends on the day