(no subject)

Feb 07, 2005 12:05

Lisette cheated on those Ajah quizzes! I tried out a few of them, and received completely randomised results. (What am I on about you say? Why this of course.)

You are Black Ajah - Aes Sedai who work for the
Dark One

Which Aes Sedai Ajah are you?
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You're Black!

Which Aes Sedai Ajah do you belong to?
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Green Ajah - battle ajah; holds itself ready to
tarmon gaidon. LOVE men and have many Warders.
You are likely to cooperate with anyone
willing. You are brave and caring. Congrats!!!

What Ajah Are You?
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The White Ajah

The White Ajah are the cold professors of logic.
They study the mind, using their information to
access a persons innermost thoughts. They are
considered cold and disspassionate by all the
other Ajah's. By being a White, you are colder
than an iceburg, and like to look at things
form every angle before you decide what you
want to do.

Which Ajah would you be?
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Blue Ajah

Which Ajah are you?
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