Apparently, if you use your check card or credit card at most restaurants, they have access to your account. And will take money out of it. I found this out recently. ahhh it sucks
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Damn, a lot of my friends are going to Halloween Horror Nights this Saturday too. I could have been this huge unifying thing and joined two massive groups of people! Instead, Mike and I have a concert to go to. Which will be 10x better in my mind.
You can come here for Halloween. We have basically 100s and 100s of houses to hit up, seeing as how it is an apartment complex. And there are tons of kids. And are we doing the sexy cop and the convict? Because I think we should. Or I can be on SeaLab with my orange jumpsuit.
i'm going to be a fairy. basically because i already have the costume, and i dont have time to make a new one before halloween. Sneaks up on ya, you know? shannon still needs a costume but i dont know if she'd go for the sexy cop idea. lol.
I'm going to a 3 day concert festival : D you should come and then we could go trick or treating in the student ghetto for easy mac and microwavable popcorn, and then crash crazy gvlle parties.
The Fest!omg it is the culminating point of gainesville music. You should come you should come you should come! we could dress up to go to concerts.: D theres gonna be like 40 bands.(mostly local but still) its 25 dollars for all 3 days.
Comments 5
You can come here for Halloween. We have basically 100s and 100s of houses to hit up, seeing as how it is an apartment complex. And there are tons of kids. And are we doing the sexy cop and the convict? Because I think we should. Or I can be on SeaLab with my orange jumpsuit.
. . . more broccoli?
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