I think I am approaching one of the most fundamental choices in my life, one that may well determine an awful lot about my future. By the start of next year I am going to have to choose whether to become a biological or a physical scientist.
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Comments 35
If you're anything like me, if you make either choice you'll regret it for a long time. Losing something that means that much to you will always be a huge blow whichever it is. I don't think you have a right or a wrong choice, you have to choose between two things equally good, but different, and the choice you make will lead to a different you.
The point pincushions makes is a good one - where do you want to be? Your degree shouldn't be mearly a means to an ends, but there's nothing more depressing than becoming fascinated with beautiful things and having nowhere to go with them.
And I think you are very cool, would you mind very much if I added you to my friends list?
Now you can help me decide between Social and Abnormal/Clinical Psych.
Was that you? If I've got the wrong person, I'm sorry.
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