this weekend was amazing, i actually had a lot of fun going home. friday i didnt get home until late but then of course there were people at our house because there always is something like that going on. SATURDAY...umm went to KEITH URBAN and he is THE most beautiful thing i have ever seen. thank you allison for inviting me, that was by far the
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well, well, well. what an absolutely wonderful kick off weekend to the semester although i did not spend it at grand valley. MSU for amys birthday was very fun, lots of walking in the cold but those girls are always funny to be with even if you have to help them walk down stairs? hm. U of M for irenes birthday was amazing fun also. There were a
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i'm not sure i'm ready for this semester, or maybe its not ready for me. [hah] who knows what i want to happen, i guess what will be will be and i'm tired of trying to make things be a certian way because they never turn out to be that way anyways. its okay though i am completely content with how my life is right now, and
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um, hawaii might have been the most amazing time of my life. it is so beautiful and i had such a good time just hanging out with everyone. i did a lot of things that i have never done before. i went on a helicopter ride for the first time ever and the view of the islands from above was so pretty, although our guide was japanese and kind of hard to
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The more our family watches national lampoons christmas vacation we seem to become more and more like that family. Yes, this year my aunt recieved a candle that plays music when you light it and turns off when you blow it out, only when she opened it the candle had already been lit. good thing the movie clarifies that when people get old they just
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