>3 That is, until he slides his fingers over the taut stainless steel underpinnings of that shameless hussy, the DeLorean. >3
I can see it now...
Dull sodium light glitters through the windows of the now-quiet factory as it stands silently in the night, awaiting the following morning, when the workers will return once more and fill it with sounds. Metal on metal, welding torches, loud music blasting tinnily out of radios, radial saws...all in the name of mechanising a new sportscar luxury.
No-one would have thought he'd do it, not the Gene Hunt they knew, anyway. But after one smouldering look from the pages of one of those glossy rags McIntosh kept strewn about his desk, he'd known.
He'd had many loves in his life, and more than a few had been four-wheeled in nature. It was who he was, and how he was built.
But as Gene stood in the shadow and slowly stroked his bare knuckles along the fine grain of the polished stainless steel doorsill of the DMC-12, he felt a sense of peace.
I can see it now...
Dull sodium light glitters through the windows of the now-quiet factory as it stands silently in the night, awaiting the following morning, when the workers will return once more and fill it with sounds. Metal on metal, welding torches, loud music blasting tinnily out of radios, radial saws...all in the name of mechanising a new sportscar luxury.
No-one would have thought he'd do it, not the Gene Hunt they knew, anyway. But after one smouldering look from the pages of one of those glossy rags McIntosh kept strewn about his desk, he'd known.
He'd had many loves in his life, and more than a few had been four-wheeled in nature. It was who he was, and how he was built.
But as Gene stood in the shadow and slowly stroked his bare knuckles along the fine grain of the polished stainless steel doorsill of the DMC-12, he felt a sense of peace.
Of belonging.
This was right, somehow ( ... )
Now I just have to finish the migraine remedy pr0n I promised Andy and I'll actually be completely caught up with requests! :D
It's surprisingly easy to sub Clarkson and Veyron into that...
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