Lightning flashes through the window, illuminating terrifyingly large stacks of unread journal articles, notebooks full of data, and a computer screen displaying a frightfully clunky database filled with the fruits of your latest scientific endeavors. You’re furious; the last batch of results you entered have disappeared entirely! Is it sabotage by one of those pesky grad students, lousy software, or simple incompetence on your part? In the end, it doesn’t matter. What matters is…
What’s that? This isn’t the sort of mad scientist you were after? Oh. Well, why didn’t you say so?
Lightning flashes through the cobwebbed window, illuminating your laboratory. Test tubes glisten with faintly luminous green liquid, complicated devices crackle with energies, and you stand in the midst of it all, cackling. You need but one final component to finish your masterwork, the Super Death Doom Laser. The Perspex Gem is the only focus that will do. And according to The Oppressed Village Daily News, to which you have a subscription, The Perspex Gem is currently being displayed in the Museum!
Send your Assistant to steal the Gem.* Go get the gem yourself.
If you want something done right, do it yourself.* Actually, that first kind of Mad Scientist is really more my type. I’d like to play that way, please.
You slip out of your wild hair-do and lab coat spattered with dubious substances and into something a little more mundane...