Another day, another tower.
Your father, The King, declared that it was past time you got married after you had another tiff with his wife - whom you’re more than a little inclined to call your Wicked Stepmother. Your stepmother is certainly versed in the magic arts; she conjured this tower to go along with The King’s challenge. According to the two of them, only The Perspex Gem can unlock the tower and free you, and whosoever brings it to them shall have your hand in marriage.
The tower is comfortable enough, though a little grim for your tastes. There is a very comfortable bed, a loom, and an impressive library. Honestly, though, you’ve been a little bored.
Well, it’s obviously time to break out of here. * If The Prince or The Hero is foolish enough to bring the Perspex Gem right to you, that could make this whole thing a lot easier.
Perhaps it’s best to wait and see what happens. * A library, you say? Hmmm...
Perhaps it’s time to do a little reading!