Title: Gryffindor Quidditch Boys
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Summary: Ginny knew she was a lucky woman, having a Gryffindor Quidditch "Boy" as a husband.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 262
Author's Note: Written for the prompt "Gryffindor Quidditch Boys" at
hp_humpdrabbles Ginny knew she was a lucky woman. Of her in-laws, only Hermione and Angelina could be as lucky as she was. After all, not even Fleur nor Audrey could say they have Gryffindor Quidditch boys for husbands.
The main reason was that even years after playing for Gryffindor, Harry, Ron and George were still in great physical shape. Now, Ginny couldn't and wouldn't vouch for her brothers' performances in bed, but if Harry was anything to go by, then Hermione and Angelina were as lucky as she was.
Harry and Ginny loved to shag. They would each Apparate home during their lunch breaks for a quickie. Sometimes they would have to settle for rearranging their clothing to permit the necessary access. But it was enough until the evenings and weekends.
Today, Harry had managed a longer than usual lunch break. This allowed Ginny to properly undress and worship her husband. She missed practically every inch of his body before she took his cock into her mouth. Because of the length of her foreplay, Harry's longer than usual break would only allow for a blowjob.
Ginny was thrilled by Harry's reaction to her oral skills. She knew he would be tormented all day by the fact he was only getting a blowjob. She would make it up to him that evening.
Yes, Ginny was a lucky woman to have a handsome and sexy former Quidditch player as a husband. But Harry was lucky to have a beautiful and brilliant Gryffindor Quidditch girl as a wife. The Potters wouldn't have it any other way.