My fat arse is interfering with my hormone treatments and putting my transition at risk - that's the big issue. Also, it has a little fat belly to go with it that isn't attractive.
We've been doing Wii dance as a stay-at-home way of trying to get fit and lose a bit of weight which is good fun. Although people keep throwing cakes and biscuits at me at work, which does not help matters at all.
I recommend real dancing as best form of exercise ever. I would be doing it if it didn't require a babysitter.
Female hormones must make it harder not to get a belly and an arse I would have thought. What a bugger.
Yes, female hormones do make it easier to put on weight, but it's actually my anti-androgen / gonadotropin meds that are being adversely affected by my weight.
It means I've got some testosterone buzzing about my system causing all sorts of problems, not least of which is interfering with the estrogen.
Comments 9
"you've got a fat arse."
Is that not part of the beautiful experience that is being female? ;)
I like fat arses, I think they're massively underrated.
I recommend real dancing as best form of exercise ever. I would be doing it if it didn't require a babysitter.
Female hormones must make it harder not to get a belly and an arse I would have thought. What a bugger.
It means I've got some testosterone buzzing about my system causing all sorts of problems, not least of which is interfering with the estrogen.
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