I'll help you with your Christmas shopping if you help me with mine. I've done nothing. Of course, if I don't have time to shop in Lake Charles, chances are I don't have time to shop with you in BR either. Hmm.
"Here's your stuff back" exchanges with ex gf's are intense. Guess I should try having a relationship that works out. Might be less traumatic. lol, I'm sorry, but that amuses me.
Ok, a job for Stephen... marriage counselor perhaps?
Ok ok, a serious answer... lets see... you may hate me, but I could never get you as a college professor out of my mind. But I'm sure you'd make a great leader of the free world as well.
I miss you. Finals suck. Good luck with the rest of your exams, you'll be done before me!
I still have a lot of Christmas shopping to do and I'll be trying to catch up on that next week, so sure...let's pair up!
And I thought we''ve done the job thing before...
Honestly, I have no clue. I still think you'd be an amazing lawyer. You have a commanding personality, which works well for lawyers, and I have to agree with Lindsay, you'd also be a great professor.
You could also open up a cigar shop in Baton Rouge, since you're always searching for one so feverishly. But I think when it comes time for you to retire, you should open a candy shop and become the cute old guy who sells candy. Hahhaaha.
Comments 5
"Here's your stuff back" exchanges with ex gf's are intense. Guess I should try having a relationship that works out. Might be less traumatic. lol, I'm sorry, but that amuses me.
Ok, a job for Stephen... marriage counselor perhaps?
Ok ok, a serious answer... lets see... you may hate me, but I could never get you as a college professor out of my mind. But I'm sure you'd make a great leader of the free world as well.
I miss you. Finals suck. Good luck with the rest of your exams, you'll be done before me!
And I thought we''ve done the job thing before...
Honestly, I have no clue. I still think you'd be an amazing lawyer. You have a commanding personality, which works well for lawyers, and I have to agree with Lindsay, you'd also be a great professor.
You could also open up a cigar shop in Baton Rouge, since you're always searching for one so feverishly. But I think when it comes time for you to retire, you should open a candy shop and become the cute old guy who sells candy. Hahhaaha.
Good luck on the rest of your finals!
I just got a mental image of stephen grinning with a candy cane, saying evilly "candy, candy"
He would probably start a Harry Potter candy shop. And guess who would be there everyday looking for Acid Pops and Cockroach Clusters? Me. hehehe
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