Confession--it's got to be good for something.

Mar 05, 2006 09:32

Only did a few sins--figured I'd pace myself. *grin*
((ooc--John's player is going to be out of town on family business until Tuesday. Treat him kindly whilst I am away--he's had an exciting few days.))

1. I consider myself to be very organized.--so false it defies description
2. I tend to get more done when I'm pressed for time.--true
3. Multi-tasking is something I do often.--No one here does just *one* thing.
4. I might be a perfectionist.--Only when it comes to flying and...*ahem* extracurricular activities-- we'll stop there, shall we?
5. I enjoy Mondays as much as I enjoy Fridays.--We don't really have days of the week here--there are psuedo-rest days, for the civvies--those sound nice *wistful sigh*
6. If I didn't make a list (or hang a post-it note) I'd forget what it is I need to do.--probably, unless it's life-threatening or involves someone I love--which makes the point moot, because everything out here is one of those two.
7. I have no problem asking for help when I don't understand something.--are you kidding? I live with geniuses with huuuge egos, some of them. They rely on me being occasionally helpless to stay sane.

1. Name 1 toy you owned when you were younger, that meant a lot to you.--My Grandfather bought me a replica P-38 Lightning for my birthday one year--I still have it.
2. Name 2 games you enjoyed playing as a child.--Fireman and twister
3. Name 3 foods you didn't like as a child, but do now.--I wouldn't eat anything white as a kid--long story--so, bread, potatoes, and whipped cream.
4. Name 4 foods you didn't like as a child, and still don't like.--cauliflower, turnips, eggplant.

Deadly Sin #6 Pride

1. Do you have a problem admitting you’re wrong? Sometimes
2. Would you rather watch someone important to you walk out of your life or beg them to stay?--I can't help it, I'm bad at giving up on things-I'd probably beg before I let them walk away.
3. Are you the kind of person who would rather try your best and fail, or not try for fear of failure?--try and fail, definitely--but I never plan on failing--you can't go into things with thoughts like that.
4. Have you ever expressed interest in someone high above your status, where your chances of being rejected were very high?--definitely
5. If you made a contribution to a charity would you want credit, or would giving be enough?--It doesn't seem as if it's as noble of a thing if you get credit.

Deadly Sin #2 Wrath

1. Have you ever caused someone physical harm deliberately? Yes
2. What mundane things in life frustrate you the most? hubris
3. Have you ever had a screaming match in public? yes
4. Which celebrity do you wish would just drop dead? There is nothing in two galaxies that matters less to me.
5. Do you believe in the death penalty? I think they should send all the worst offenders here, we'll feed them to the wraith
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