SPN: Turn Back the Clock (5/?) [T]

Jul 06, 2015 22:39

Fandom: Supernatural Title: Turn Back the Clock Chapter 5: In which Dean clears up. Author: lt_indigo Pairing(s): none this chapter Warning(s): none Disclamer: Nope Word count: 1,747
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Previously (a.k.a. 'the ending of the last chapter was cut to comply with the community rules'):

Dean took out the closest vamp to him, knocking him to the floor and shoving his machete through its throat. When he looked up, the last one was keeling over, the angel blade sticking out of her chest. Ellie, still astride a dead vamp, looked about ready to drop herself, but she had obviously still had enough in her to throw the blade. There was still a dull glow coming from her eyes, kind of like Cas did on occasion and Dean thought he saw something in the shadows behind her, just for a split second. But any thought of that went from his mind as her everything seemed to give way and she slumped bonelessly forwards.

Dean started hauling bodies into the kitchen, ready to throw them onto a pyre, as he waited for Ellie to come around. As he ditched one and realised it was the twelfth, he stared for a moment, wondering how the hell they had pulled that one off; how he and the munchkin had managed to off that many vamps in a single sitting. Admittedly, ambushing them at noon on a brightly sunny day might have had something to do with it, but even so, it shouldn’t have been possible. Not without any angelic assistance, anyway.

Not that he would complain about it if Cas and/or Gabriel had been looking out for them, but it would have been nice for them to at least say hello. Especially if it had been Cas: look what had happened last time he had been sneaking about all invisible.

And hell if Dean was ever going for the decapitation route again if angel blades would do the job: they were much easier and less messy. He found himself wondering just what else they worked on, because that would cut their arsenal in half if it turned out that angel blades could kill as much as Ellie seemed to think they could. But just where had she got the blade from? Had Gabriel left it with her? Seemed unlikely.

He didn’t get any more time to mull things over, because Ellie let out a pained little groan from the sofa and her eyes flickered slowly open, like lifting her eyelids was much too much effort to do it all at once.

“Ellie? You okay?”

She peered in his direction, her eyes not really looking like they were focussing at all for a worrying half-minute: a half-minute in which Dean wondered whether he should get Gabriel back here in case she had done something drastic to herself, if she had somehow injured herself.


Oh good, at least she remembered his name. That was a promising start.

“Hey, kid. How’re you feeling?”

She made some noise of distress that Dean might have struggled to interpret had he not raised a little brother from infancy. This was a ‘why are you even asking me that?’ kind of a noise, possibly coupled with some flavour of ‘I need water/food/to hurl’.

“Guessing you’re not really built to do the light show?” he asked cheerfully as he passed her a glass of water he had prepared earlier. At first, he had been surprised to find that the water supply was okay, but he supposed that even vamps needed to bathe and brush their fangs sometimes.

Ellie took a wary sip of the water, grimaced at the temperature (sue him, it was nearly a hundred degrees outside, and there wasn’t a working refrigerator for him to have had any way of chilling it), then quickly downed it and sighed.

“Nope,” she admitted. “’s’really no’a great in…stinct, ‘sit?”

Dean snorted. “Saved our hides, so I’m gonna go with ‘yeah, it is’, whatever you feel like now.”

She let out a weak chuckle. “…s’ppose. You go’ anythin’ sweet?”

Dean laughed. “Okay, now I really know you’re related to Gabriel.”

She glared balefully at him, but there was still something off about her eyes. Something that started alarm bells ringing. He’d seen this in Sam before, when he was purging from the demon blood, and even before then when Sam had been little and the money had run out and Dean hadn’t been able to buy them food for a few days; when Sam’s blood sugar would dip and he would get all kinds of cranky and headachey. The first time he had seen it in adult Sam, Dean had put the unfocussed glaring and the slurring to withdrawal but Bobby had pointed out that they were later signs of hypoglycaemia and forced glucose tablets down Sammy’s neck. And ever since then, Dean had kept a stash of them in the glove box of the Impala.

“Yeah, kid, in the car. I’ll be back in a minute.” He raced out, leaping nimbly over the bodies of the two vampires by the front door and leaned in through the open passenger window to grab the pastilles. He cursed how much crap Sam had managed to shove on top of them, probably because they reminded him too much of his detoxes. It seemed to take hours to dig out the tub and get back inside, but it had realistically probably only been a minute at most.

“My brother normally takes four,” he said as he shook some out into his hand, “but he’s a sasquatch and you’re a munchkin: three’s probably fine to start with. Chew.”

He handed her the tablets and went to refill the glass with water. Sam always complained that the tablets were really powdery and coated his mouth and tongue, and if he breathed in through his mouth he would get a lungful of the stuff.

Fortunately, Ellie hadn’t been stupid enough to do that, but she did take massive gulps of water between tablets.

“I’m guessing you’re really not made for the light show?” he joked as she was draining a third glass of water, a tiny bit of colour coming back to her cheeks as the sugar started to hit.

“It’s actually easier than it used to be,” she said, slowly but clearly. “You should have seen me the first time it happened. It took me a whole day to wake up, and another one before I could even stand. This was definitely the best one by far, but I’m sorry you had to see it on our first outing. That’s only the fourth time it’s happened.”

She stretched carefully and stood. Her balance seemed good, her eyes sharp as she looked around the place. “Oh, you’ve… Wow, thanks.”

“I’ve stacked them by the back door for now,” Dean said, realising that she was referring to the lack of dead bodies in the room. “We can burn them whenever; there’s enough land at the back, and there’s no neighbours overlooking.

“Can do,” Ellie said readily, bending to grab the body of the smaller vampire Dean had beheaded in the front doorway. “Can we get some firewood, though: I can burn the lot, but it’s easier if the fire has something to take in.”

Dean hadn’t even thought about that: they had only been joking about it a few hours beforehand too, that part of Ellie’s mojo gave her the ability to burn things, and it had already slipped his mind. That and she had been unconscious on the couch for twenty minutes, in absolutely no condition to be setting anything alight. Getting firewood had been his next task.

Ellie helped him, her movements getting more and more sure as the sugar rush started to hit. She was easier to work with than he had thought: she pulled her weight, not shying away from the lifting and carrying, not fussing about the fact she was covered in dirt and dust and blood. They just talked, trading tales of vampires and witches and werewolves, of ghosts and wendigoes and redcaps. It was nice and easy, and the sheer catalogue of information in Ellie’s head about monsters was amazing, he could tell, even if she had never learned to hunt them properly, with silver and bronze and wooden stakes and the like. She knew what worked conventionally, but she had used her great-grandfather’s angel blade since she was nine years old, when they had realised that she had some mojo, unlike her mom or grandpa.

Mojo or not, though, she was clearly still mortal, and by the time they burned the fourteen bodies and got back to Missouri’s, she was practically asleep on her feet. It took a lot of effort just to get her into the shower rather than just crashing out, then to eat a couple of brownies before she fell asleep. Only once he was sure she wasn’t about to go dangerously hypoglycaemic in her sleep did Dean leave her to shower himself and stick their clothes in the washer. Missouri said nothing about the state of them, which was a blessing because Dean was kind of pissed with her right now. Even though he should have checked for himself that Missouri’s intel had been accurate before storming the place.

“Make sure she eats something sweet when she wakes up,” he all-but growled at Missouri as he grabbed his car keys. “I’ll be back soon.”


It had been a long time since Dean had shopped for a girl. And he definitely wouldn’t have bought Lisa clothes - none that anyone else was going to see, anyway. But needs must: Ellie only had the clothes that Gabriel had left her wearing the previous day: she was currently sleeping in a t-shirt borrowed from Dean. He had made a note of all her sizes, and googled the translation from British to American on the way over, so he went into Target armed and ready to grab. He only picked up essentials: a couple of tees, some jeans, lightweight pyjamas and some underwear. Nothing fancy, and she could but new stuff herself if she wanted to, but right now she needed something to wear that wasn’t completely ruined by vampire blood. And she would need toiletries; a toothbrush and deodorant at the very least; probably other shit that girls needed too, but that was stuff that was definitely a lot too personal for him to be buying. He’d got a row from Lisa for buying the wrong shampoo once and learned his lesson; Ellie could pick those things for herself when she was up to it. But for now, at least she could get changed and go shopping, grab the essentials to tide her over until Gabriel either took her home or at least hopped there so she could grab some of her own stuff. He also picked her up a cell phone: not top of the range like the British one she had, but it at least had a working SIM card and a US number so she could call him and Missouri without it costing her a fortune.

Turned out to be worth it; he got a smile from Missouri that told him she was impressed, and he got a hug from Ellie and a whispered ‘thank you’ into his shoulder. Yeah, he was still an awesome big brother, even if it was to a sister rather than a brother.

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gen, dean, supernatural, tbtc, fic, ellie van helsing

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