(OOC: follows events in
this thread)
::stands at door to old quarters, dangling a well-worn teddy bear from one hand::
::rests other on door chime, debating whether or not to press::
::damned outside looking in feeling::
::smacks it with heel of hand, stepping back to wait::
Comments 20
::sighs inwardly as door chimes, glancing at chronometer on way to door::
::takes in half-scowling company::
Yeah, me.
::forces sulk out of tones, lifting hand to show off bounty::
It wasn't at the playset, but...
::shrugs, glancing over her shoulder::
Good. I was beginning to think she wouldn't go to sleep at all without it. Seven was going to be my next resort.
::quirks brow, finally releasing own grip and letting her pull away with bear in hand::
Gee, I'm flattered.
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