your ordeal reminds me of the Great Battle for Claflin 315 against the centipede who ran out from under my futon. the centipede won. i never slept in that room again after that.
luckily, if that ever happens again, i don't have cable to watch in the middle of the night. i do have dr. phil, though.
I had forgotten about that. . .yes, it is similar.
I haven't seen the mouse in several days, so my hope is that she has moved on to someone else's apartment. I'm slowly starting to sleep better - I missed Howard Stern last night.
Comments 2
your ordeal reminds me of the Great Battle for Claflin 315 against the centipede who ran out from under my futon. the centipede won. i never slept in that room again after that.
luckily, if that ever happens again, i don't have cable to watch in the middle of the night. i do have dr. phil, though.
I haven't seen the mouse in several days, so my hope is that she has moved on to someone else's apartment. I'm slowly starting to sleep better - I missed Howard Stern last night.
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