::nods:: Oh, definitely. ::snorts:: Og i dag er det askeonsdag og fasten har begynt og har du egentlig tenkt å gjøre noe med det? Om ikke for annet enn at det gjør godt for kroppen å få litt hvile? :p
Yes, yesterday was Shrove Tuesday (and I made pancakes;the gist of the post.) and today is the start of Lent and no, I haven't thought about doing anything. I associate this 'preparation time' with a six week guilt trip (thanks to convent school) and, that aside, I've chosen to walk another path. I need to adjust my thinking towards this 'season'...
Ah, yes. Convent scool's got to be a killer for traditions like these. I totally forgot about it all, I should've made "Fastelavnsboller" (buns loades with butter and raisins an goodies, served with whipped cream) on Sunday, but it just didn't enter my mind. As for 'preparation time', I'm thinking more of it as 'spring cleaning'. Perfect time to do a detox. :) Get ready for a new year.
Comments 4
Yes, yesterday was Shrove Tuesday (and I made pancakes;the gist of the post.) and today is the start of Lent and no, I haven't thought about doing anything. I associate this 'preparation time' with a six week guilt trip (thanks to convent school) and, that aside, I've chosen to walk another path. I need to adjust my thinking towards this 'season'...
Véthe-dgia! (An emphatic 'yes indeed') Eating properly again would be a good start...
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