Today seems to be going fine now... But... Wimatonye knocked on our door right as I was about to leave to take Mel to work. "Do you think you guys could give us a jump??" He said, pointing to the street where his maroon car was sitting. A steady stream of Boy Scouts were slowly walking past it.
Before you think I was having some really bizarre
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Comments 2
It's a lot creepier to think back on it now: a steetful of mindless devotees marching along to their bland ho-hum guilt-ridden adult lives...
Good call on not going Christian; I can't imagine ever going back!
Oh yeah! Crashing into stumps is a real bummer. One time my friend and I were wrestling each other for this Charles Bukowski tape and suddenly I realized "Hey! Wait a minute! I'm supposed to be driving!"
Whack! Right into this stump.
To this day, I have no idea why we were being so silly about that tape. Other than that, I had real trouble being in cars with girls. They'd always talk a mile-a-minute, you know, so they'd be like "TURN!! NOW!!!" and then someone would smack right into the side of me.
It was all good training, though! Now I'm a fabulous driver. I can handle stuff that no else I know can.
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