Hey! This is Azaelia from ecfans - Darsina told me you had a LJ. I'm adding you to my azaelia_culnamo one as well - this LJ is for HP fandom stuff, the other LJ is for general online stuff, as well as RL. (Though there's general stuff here too). In the event you'd rather I not add you, let me know, okay? Thanks! (Just send me a PM at ec, or leave a comment on one of my LJ entries).
Oh, hiya :) Another HP fanatic! *grins* I'm just as mad/bad, although I'm using my one livejournal to mix HP squeeage, RL rambling and whatever else comes across my mind :D Added "both of you" :D
Hey! I like your style. I found you searching for L'Auberge Espagnole. I figure anyone who likes that movie has to be pretty awesome. And then I find Audrey Tautou? Awesome. Add me?
Comments 16
Oh, hiya :)
Another HP fanatic! *grins*
I'm just as mad/bad, although I'm using my one livejournal to mix HP squeeage, RL rambling and whatever else comes across my mind :D
Added "both of you" :D
We're taking over the world! ;)
Heeee... indeed!
Maybe we're just addicted to authors that keep us waiting for a looong, loooong time...... ;)
(but yay, only 66 more days till HBP! :)
Ooh, volontiers!!
Je crains que mon français soit un peu rouillé - mais bienvenue!!
T'es russe?
mon propre n'est pas ideal non plus)
quand meme, je le sais beaucoup mieux que l'anglais)
Oh, j'aimerais y voyager un jour!
Mon anglais est beaucoup plus mieux que mon français, mais ...il faut entretenir ses connaissances, non? ^__^
Give it a try?
Interesting, eh? *chuckles*
But yes, of course - nice to meet you :)
Aber immer.
Schortens ist in der Naehe von Jever, oder?
Sorry, I haven't been around much lately, but spending more time on LJ is one of my resolutions for 2009 ;)
So, of course - nice to meet you!
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