Title: The Key
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Draco has no choice in losing.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst
It's a downhill slide from here, but I don't seem to be able to convince you of that. You keep asking me the questions I'm not allowed to answer instead of the ones that matter. Yes, I love you. No, I'll never forget you. But you don't seem to be concerned with the emotional structure of our relationship. You are too worried about what side I'm on, like it will matter in the end. Sometimes I want to shake you out of your blind naivety. This is not a simple situation. It is not a "choose this side and win" clear-cut view. One one hand, I choose the good side, where you reside. And I get the bonus of a wonderful life with you. But my father will disinherit me and the remaining Death Eaters will kill me. I do not search for death at their hands-the Dementor's Kiss is a far better option than the horrors I have seen those hands inflict. Choosing the dark side, I have my father's approval, your hatred, and a more likely chance of survival. But the "choice" never belonged to me, Harry. I was born a key. The key to the coup of the world of magic we know. Only Voldemort and my father have the power to wield me. Only you, my love, have the power to stop them. The fate of our world resides within you, Harry Potter. Do with it as you will, my one only love.
Draco Malfoy