Title: Jonghyun's Kisses
Pairing: Jongho
Genre: angst, au, drabble
Rating: PG
Length: 432
“I said he’s just your roommate.”
“He’s not just my roommate. That’s what I’m trying to tell you.” Jonghyun made sure to slam the door for emphasis as he left the place which the government had once listed as his home.
He stopped by a convenience store on his way home to wash up in their bathroom. As he was dabbing away the dried blood on his chin, Jonghyun was only concerned with making himself presentable so as not to upset his boyfriend.
His dad didn’t want to talk about his son having a male lover? Fine, Jonghyun was the type who didn’t waste his energy giving a shit about the opinion of assholes. The abusive bastard could choke on a dick for all he cared. He had the support of his sister and, maybe, his mom. On the days when she was feeling brave.
But, Minho. Minho was the kind to care and it killed Jonghyun to see his boyfriend being emotionally beat down by his father and his father’s expectations for his life.
There hadn’t been a problem with Minho coming out to his family. Maybe there had been some stern looks and the bobbing of two sets of genetically similar double adam’s apples. Not a word had been said, though, as Minho’s mother sidled up next to her baby effectively putting a kibosh on any objections his father or brother might have been planning to raise.
Sitting on their extra bed/couch, Jonghyun had even laughed when Minho relayed the family’s response, “Your mom is such a badass. I always knew I loved that woman.”
Minho had only stared down at his fingers intertwined in Jonghyun’s and quietly continued, “But you should have seen their faces, Jjong. My brother looked like he wanted to sink into the ground and my dad...” Minho left the description hanging between them and looked up into Jonghyun’s eyes.
Jonghyun felt his jaw tighten reflexively as he took in Minho’s searching gaze and thought the other man looked like a kid who was worried about getting punished for an infraction. It reminded Jonghyun of many afternoons he spent counting down the minutes until his father got home. So, he leaned forward and softly kissed Minho.
This type of kiss was the type Jonghyun knew well. It wasn’t the kind of kiss that was rushed and needy, taking for the sake of having. Rather, it was the kind of sweetly intense kiss that took for the sake of healing. Jonghyun could spend his life kissing Minho, leeching the sadness that mars Minho’s smile.