Dear Diary and close friends,
Many of you have wondered why I seem so very hesitant to talk of many other members of my family, and some wonder why I have such distrust of Aurors and the Ministry at times.
I hope the following story will show you a bit of a reason on why I stayed quiet for so many years during my stay at Hogwarts...
This is my sister Claudia. She was a very talented witch and an amazing singer. Her and my eldest brothers and sister were going to form a band. I barely remember Claudia anymore these days, but I have videos and pictures, luckily.
Claudia and her fiancee were killed by "Aurors" in Austria when I was 6, simply because they didn't want Gypsies in their village. They were on holiday, and her finacee was a muggle who stood in front of several hexes, trying to protect her. We have yet to hear if the Aurors were real, or just villagers posing as officials.
This is Claudia and her fiancee Louis. This was taken only a week before it happened. This was the photo they chose for their wedding invitations...
This is Ralf, my eldest brother, and who should be heir to being leader of the clan. Due to the fact that he took after my father, he was killed in Ireland by a Ministry official who called my brother "A ravenous animal that needed to be put down for public safety." My brother was anything but, he was intelligent, if a bit cold, but was very careful about his feeding habits that took him by surprize when he became my age. His basic human rights were overlooked and he was hexed down like a mad dog for no reason. He was buying groceries for the family. We were not told until after they disposed of his body, and told us to leave town, one week later. We never even had a chance to have a proper funeral. My parents have never been the same since.
This is my brother Stefan, born only 2 years before Sebastian, they were very close. Sebastian, if you ever meet him has taken on a very distant and angry attitude, having been thrust into the upcoming leadership role of Clan affairs.
Stefan was an artist, and an amazing one at that, he and Claudia wrote many of the lyrics for their band.
Stefan was assaulted by muggles in Poland, in a small town that did not like our camo being there, we were packing up when we heard gunshots. He took a bullet for Sebastian. It was quick, and he is buried with Claudia and my other sister Freya in Romania at the Clan estate.
And here is Freya, our warrior. Freya was the back up singer of the band, and she was very competitive. She was an excellent broom racer, duelist, pretty much anything involving competition she would throw herself into it. We still have every trophy and medal, every ribbon and award she had ever won.
Freya was mugged in Rome, by muggles who just didn't like gypsies, we are not very well liked in Italy if you do your research.
This was the video they had made, directed by a very young Mishka. It's a little odd, but then again they wanted to appease Mishka, and in the end it wasn't that bad of a video, Freya was a bit of a goofball in it a few times..
Mishka does not speak of this video, ever.
I hope this sheds a little light on why I am hard to trust both muggles and wizards, and I stay to my family and clan, and Romani society.
Luca Moonstone
((OOC: if you are curious, the pictures and video are of a german band from the 80's named Propaganda.the song is called P. Machinery))