Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood Moodtheme

Apr 23, 2011 21:08

FMA: Brotherhood moodtheme, specifically made for rubber_glue for help_japan, but anyone may use. :) (Thank you, rubber_glue, for the donation!)

preview entire moodtheme

[ MU ] [ MF ]

This moodtheme mostly features the "good guys" or heroes. Mostly. ;) Ed is featured the most. He has some of the best expressions! There were many choices for anger, but not as many for the happier themes... or for laziness. Everyone is always going places and doing things in this series!

(I thought May kicking Ed in the face was pretty productive. *g*)

♠ Please credit lucathia_rykatu if you use this~
♠ Remember to upload images to your own imagehost!

These instructions are also included in the zip file. If you're using the instructions from here, please copy this and paste the text in a document so that you can use the "replace" feature!

+++++How to Install+++++

/For Paid and Plus Users:/

1. Upload all images to an image host that allows image hotlinking, such as photobucket.com or imageshack.us. Be sure they are all in the same folder and that image names are kept the same as they are currently.

2. Replace all "YOUR_URL_HERE" in this document with the URL to the FOLDER your images are located at.

3) Open your LiveJournal admin console: http://www.livejournal.com/admin/console/

4) Enter commands: moodtheme_create "fmab" "Moodtheme by Lucathia", hit execute and do not close the window!

5) You will receive a moodtheme ID. After obtaining your mood ID, replace all "moodID" in this document with that number.

6) Copy-paste everything beneath the line below into the LJ command console box.

7) Go to: http://www.livejournal.com/modify.bml
From the dropdown menu, "fmab" should be under "personal themes". Select and save. Now you're finished!

/For Basic Users:/

You can either switch to Plus...or manually link to images in all of your entries.


moodtheme_setpic moodID 2 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/angry.gif 80 45
moodtheme_setpic moodID 1 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/aggravated.gif 80 45
moodtheme_setpic moodID 3 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/annoyed.gif 80 45
moodtheme_setpic moodID 110 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/bitchy.gif 80 45
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moodtheme_setpic moodID 104 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/cynical.gif 80 45
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moodtheme_setpic moodID 45 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/determined.gif 80 45
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moodtheme_setpic moodID 44 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/amused.gif 80 45
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moodtheme_setpic moodID 99 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/chipper.gif 80 45
moodtheme_setpic moodID 98 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/ecstatic.gif 80 45
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moodtheme_setpic moodID 16 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/high.gif 80 45
moodtheme_setpic moodID 17 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/horny.gif 80 45
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moodtheme_setpic moodID 58 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/peaceful.gif 80 45
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moodtheme_setpic moodID 107 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/creative.gif 80 45
moodtheme_setpic moodID 89 http://YOUR_URL_HERE/productive.gif 80 45

medium: anime, help_japan, graphics, fma

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