anime_lj_tcg log

Aug 02, 2007 04:32

[ TCG Masterlist ]

Back to card post | Logs part 2

★ LOG ★

STARTER PACK: got dna02, dna11, dna17, 66618, sea06, hachi14, across12, dice02, and send19.

CARD GRAVEYARD: got dna06, pride06, thief20.
TRADING: sea06 traded for otaku12 with ariyaki.
TRADING: send19 traded for dna18 with princess_axel.

TRADING: traded thief20 for dna12 with amano-rei.
TRADING: traded dice02 for otaku20 with aacdeln.
TRADING: traded otaku12 for dna10 with fakelunacy.
LEVEL UP: got diva11.

TRADED: diva11 for pride07 with lilikoifish.
TRADED: across12 for inu12 with eclipsed_soul.
TRADED: inu12 for dna14 with ignored_tears.

FREEBIE ROUND 4: got chevalier05.
GUESS THE MASCOT 04: sea16, cards06, isolate01.
GUESS THE ANIME 06: hymn17, torture19, medusa12.
GUESS THE OP 04: ccgold.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ROUND 08: got mail12 and resolve14.
TRADED: sea16 for pride05 with angelsanitarium.

TRADED: ccgold for dna03 and dna09 with doublelift.
TRADED: chevalier05 for dna08 and voice16 with nanagumi.
TRADED: mail12 for TheEND03 with alchemism_x.
TRADED: cards06 for doctor20 with otakuhaku.
TRADED: 66618 for pride09 with chikky2k5.
TRADED: doctor20 for dna01 with thepotatamine.
ANIME TRIVIA 08: clank17.
TRADED: torture19 for pride04 with whitecarousel.

EYE SPY 08: shrimp02.

TRADED: clank17 for elf17 with eclipsed_soul.
TRADED: elf17 for dna19 with phantoms_angel_.
NEWSPOST zero20, theEND08, amita16, jagan13, license05, trap01, sharp17.
FREEBIE 05 goober10, pirate18.

SCRAMBLER 08: nymph07, jupiter03, chess05, ramen12, license12.
SEIYUU GUESS 08: mascot11, lunar06, land20, ccbronze.
TRADED voice16 for dna20 with jadax.
TRADED lunar06 for dna07 with glorious.
TRADED sharp17 for dna05 with deceive.

TRADED license05, license12, trap01 for zero08, zero09, zero13 with alchemism_x.
TRADED chess05 for zero12 with temperamental

GUESS ANIME 07: flame18, mercury16, amita11.

TRADED shrimp02 for pride02 with ketsuban.
TRADED amita11 for pride 16 with get_in_get_out.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 09: pizza09, zero18.
TRADED amita16 for score16 with get_in_get_out.

GUESS THE VIDEO GAME: neptune01, zero16.
GUESS THE MANGA 08: fomicry10, amita20.

CARD GRAVEYARD week of 8/10: archer4, archer12.
CARD GRAVEYARD week of 8/18: resolve07, tattoo17, clown02.

GOT doll09 from babybahamut.
EYE SPY 09: cards12.
TRADED jupiter03 for pride08 with m_a_foxfire.
TRADED cards12 for rouge01 with otakuhaku.
TRADED rouge01 for pride10 with capn_kat.

TRADED isolate07 for zero04 with haruhara.
TRADED pirate18 for pride13 with thepotatamine.
TRADED doll09 for dna04 with froggster.
TRADED tattoo17 for child02 with fakelunacy.
TRADED amita20 for otaku02 with get_in_get_out.
TRADED flame18 for violin19 with chikky2k5.
GUESS THE ANIME 08 selece05 and pizza01.
TRADED selece05 for TheEND20 with lysberries.

TRADED resolve07 and resolve14 for theEND11 and sharp17 with strife_girl.
TRADED violin19 for pride19 with zomg_louise.
TRADED clown02 for dna15 with flowergirl_ino.
GOT dna16 from mod post.
CHOICE CARD TRADING POST: ccbronze traded for DNA13.
TRADED score16 for pride11 with lifebottle.
TRADED hachi14 for otaku14 with abc_me.

TRADED child02 for otaku07 with roxora.
PICK A CARD 09: alien11, ice02.
DISTORTED! 09: zero16, mentor16, ccbronze.
GUESS THE SEIYUU 09: crimson02, mentor07.
GUESS THE MANGA 09: hohe18, nun04, diva09.
TRADED alien11 for pride20 with chill_shadow.
ANIME TRIVIA 10: heir01.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 10: cards13, selene10.

TRADED hohe18 for pride01 with parttime_job.
TRADED neptune01 for pride14 with robochan.
CARDPOT 05: medusa12 for TheEND14.

TRADED diva09 for jagan10 with lilikoifish.

TRADED mentor07 for pride12 with whitecarousel.

TRADED mentor16 for mascot14 with strife_girl.
TRADED mascot14 for pride18 with crazedninja.
TRADED archer04, archer12 for brazo06, tori05 with glorious.
TRADED brazo06 for zero01 with sesshy_is_sexii.
TRADED cards13 for sutra19 with otakuhaku.
FREEBIE 06: hohe08, pirate17.
GUESS THE ANIME 09: zero15, stalk06.
ANIME TRIVIA 11: rebirth10.
ANIME TRIVIA 09: man16.
TRADED pizza01 for pride15 with queen_of_r.
TRADED rebirth10 for sharp02 with lilikoifish.
TRADED tori05 for zero05 with ainbthen.

TRADED land20 for heaven09 with zellie_kinneas.
TRADED sutra19 for zero06 with kranni_tiki.

TRADED zero16 for prodigy16 with deceive.
TRADED fomicry10 for theEND15 with rookfoxfire.
TRADED mercury16 for cleaver07 with chikky2k5.
TRADED cleaver07 for otaku13 with skittlestemple.
TRADED pirate17 for otaku01 with chill_shadow.

TRADED pizza09 for truth16 with strife_girl.
TRADED truth16 for theEND16 with lazuliprince.

TRADED man16 for theEND06 with coolidge.

TRADED nymph07 for heaven07 with babybahamut.
TRADED stalk06 for jagan09 with eclipsed_soul.
TRADED prodigy16 for otaku11 with whitecarousel.

NEWS POST: got charm19, lech14, rebirth20, heaven03, wind03, and hohe12.
TRADED lech14 for heaven10 with chikky2k5.
TRADED charm19 for heaven15 with lysberries.
TRADED rebirth20 for wind20 with lilikoifish.

GUESS THE ANIME 10: star18, white12, 66602.
TRADED 66602 for hohe10 with chikky2k5.
DISTORTED 10: nyu10, perfect12, heir08, ccbronze.
GUESS THE CHARACTER 10+11: boku09, hachi11, trap15, orange15.
TRADED boku09 for windom17 with shinyalovesdie.
TRADED heir01, selene10 and white12 for hohe14, hohe20, and theEND18 with princess_axel.
FREEBIE 07: star11 (100th card!), prince01.
TRADED book16 for lech07 with faithy_with_a_k.
TRADED lech07 for wind10 with chikky2k5.
TRADED windom17 for zero10 with lysberries.
LAUNDRY BASKET 08 heaven04, glasses04, ccbronze.

TRADED hachi11 for ginryuu12 with faithy_with_a_k.
CHOICE CARD TRADING POST: three bronze certificates traded for zero07, zero11, and zero17.
TRADED glasses04 for zanza06 with victorisham.
ANIME TRIVIA: ramen09.
TRADED ginryuu12 for jagan08 with chrysa.
TRADED orange15 for bk20111 with temperamental.
TRADED perfect12 for wind09 with haruhara.

TRADED bk20111 for jagan02 with golden_bastet.

LEVEL UP: zero03, 3rd20, prodigy16, addict12, council06.

TRADED ramen09 for inu18 with parttime_job.
TRADED zanza06 for jagan01 with illula.

TRADED: council06 for hohe11 with stardust_halos.
GUESS THE ANIME: pirate03, sister02.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: thrust05, thought08.
ANIME TRIVIA: truth06.

TRADED: thrust05 for selece02 with chikky2k5.

TRADED: trap15 for theEND13 with deceive.
TRADED: selece02 for heaven11 with lilikoifish.
TRADED: truth06 for inu02 with chrysa.

TRADED: thought08 for windom13 with warwolves.
TRADED: windom13 for heaven02 with lysberries.

NEWSPOST: took jagan19 (choice card).

GUESS THE ANIME: zessei07.
GUESS THE CHARACTER: stalk14, prince07, ccbronze.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: fox08, dono10.
ANIME TRIVIA: white03.

TRADED: prince07 for heaven08 with babybahamut.
TRADED: sisiter02 for sutra02 with parttime_job.
TRADED: fox08 for sharp15 with lilikoifish.
TRADED: sutra02 for otaku06 with chikky2k5.
TRADED: prince01 for inu07 with ainbthen.

TRADED: white03 for prodigy04 with parttime_job.
TRADED: dono10 for wind16 with maia_cyllene.

FREEBIE ROUND: theEND07, nyu01.

TRADED: addict12 for heaven01 with aacdeln.
MASTERED DNA: got pride03, pride17, ccgold, and cruxis12.

MASTERED PRIDE: got zero14, zero19, ccgold, and nyo02.

MASTERED ZERO: got jagan05, jagan16, ccgold, and novel09.

GUESS THE MASCOT: zessei02, hohe11, inu14.
GUESS THE ANIME: thrust12, thought05.
ANIME TRIVIA: jagan15.

TRADED: cruxis12 for jagan06 with lilikoifish.
TRADED: hohe11 for sharp19 with zomg_louize.
GUESS THE MANGA: rikka11, orange06, class35, class24.
DISTORTED: ccsilver.

TRADED: pirate03 for wind15 with paper_moth.
TRADED: rikka11 for heaven20 with parttime_job.

CARD GRAVEYARD (week of 8/25): net09, shrimp17, resolve01, resolve16, voice17.
CARD GRAVEYARD (week of 9/1): sky20, sky12, sky13, sky17, sky09.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: man10, thought15.
ANIME TRIVIA: perfect02.
CARD GRAVEYARD (week of 10/14): shrimp01, shrimp02, shrimp03, shrimp12, shrimp05.
FREEBIE: nyu03, trap04.
TRADED: thought15 and thrust12 for jagan20 and theEND01 with lysberries.

TRADED: three gold certificates for otaku16, sharp20, hohe04, hohe16, hohe17, and wind17 with spiralheaven.
ROLE CALL: goober19, ice08.

TRADED: zessei02 for hohe05 and prodigy12 with deceive.
TRADED: nyu01 for inu05 with lcpdragonslayer.
TRADED: thought05 and hymn17 for heaven19 and sharp11 with bittering.

TRADED: zessei07 for hohe18 and theEND17 with deceive.
TRADED: goober10 for sharp09 with jadax.
TRADED: resolve16 for orange05 with haruhara.
TRADED: orange05 for otaku08 with insanezero.

TRADED: class35 for jagan14 with isnotporno.
TRADED: 3rd20 for inu16 with angelsanitarium.
TRADED: stalk14 for jagan11 with skittlestemple.

TRADED: star11 for wind01 with maia_cyllene.

TRADED: class24 for inu15 with thepotatamine.
LAUNDRY BASKET: jagan01, ruse09, ccbronze.
CARD PICK: ccgold.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: rikka02, oedipus16.
ANIME TRIVIA: torture17.
TRADED: nyu10 for heaven18 and wind12 with lost_my_music.
TRADED: theEND08 for heaven14 with chrysa.

FREEBIES: stalk01, poison10.

CARD GRAVEYARD: (week of 10/20) hohe09, wind11, resolve11, shrimp14.

TRADED: heir08 for kasshin15 with alchemism_x.
TRADED: kasshin15 for hohe15 with insanezero.
NEWSPOST: took monkey14, rooster01, dragon02, tiger03, snake04, cat05, rat06, cow07, sheep08, onigiri09, rifle05, and aniki11 from the new decks.
GUESS THE ANIME: ramen07, rat09, jewel08.
TRADED: rat09 for shrimp20 with chrysa.

GUESS THE CHARACTER: ruse18, haze13.
EYE SPY: drill01, silent13.
PICK A CARD: ccgold.
TRADED: aniki11 and drill01 for bunny10 and cat20 with lysberries.
TRADED: rikka02 for inu06 with chikky2k5.
CARD GRAVEYARD: (week of 10/28) resolve15, crusnik14, coffee06.
TRADED: ramen07 for horse15 with maia_cyllene.
TRADED: jagan01 and silent13 for shrimp16 and fox08 with roxora.

TRADED: poison10 for inu09 with inflict.
TRADED: rifle05, ruse09, ruse18, fox08 for dog11, emperor12, boar13, and cat01 with chikky2k5.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: thrust15, hohe07.
TRADED: haze13 for rifle03 with chrysa.

GUESS THE ANIME: wander20, soul01, dice10.
GUESS THE MASCOT: perfect04, rebirth19, kappa15, wild08.
DISTORTED: replica07, ruse10.
GUESS THE CHARACTER: ruse09, trap20.
EYE SPY: soul18, nyo15, neko11.
CARD PICK: rebirth13, license16, neko15.
TRADED: sky20 for otaku17 with lianchini.
LAUNDRY BASKET: holie12, jagan18, ccbronze.
TRADED: nyo15 for theEND19 with faithy_with_a_k.
ANIME TRIVIA: goober17.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: medusa13, demon20.
TRADED: novel09 for cat10 with isnotporno.
TRADED: kappa15 for inu11 with hireadd.
TRADED: rifle03 for pe11 with chikky2k5.
TRADED: wild08 for sharp06 with amano_rei.
TRADED: man10 for cat09 with zethel.
TRADED: neko15 for hohe19 with chaoticchicken.
TRADED: crusnik14 for heaven12 with lazulitcg.
TRADED: neko11 for hohe03 with toize.

TRADED: ruse09 for hohe13 with amewarashi.
TRADED: sky12 for avarice14 with kaleidoruby.
TRADED: sky09 for replica05 with princess_saix.
TRADED: sky13 and sky17 for sharp07 and bk20106 with dia_aren_marie.
TRADED: rebirth13 for replicat20 with aikodestiny.
TRADED: bk20106 for heaven13 with voxune.

CARD GRAVEYARD: (week of 11/4) pe05, pe11, and angelus06.


TRADED: soul18 for ronin20 with aikodestiny.
TRADED: goober19 for dragon13 with bittering.
TRADED: avarice14 for heaven16 with amano_rei.
TRADED: ronin20 for cat15 with amewarashi.
TRADED: dragon13 for jagan17 with amano_rei.

DISTORTED: brazo11, truth20.
GUESS THE MASCOT: truth05, council19, kojirou07.
TRADED: trap04 for rose03 with victorisham.

GUESS THE ANIME: sister14, ramen20, 66703.
TRADED: rose03 for heaven05 with chaoticchicken.
GUESS THE MANGA 14: dna11, goober02, king07.
EYE SPY 13: trap13, pudding20.
GUESS THE CHARACTER 12: spandex07, inu16.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 20: windom06, cool05.
TRADED: orange06 for sharp05 with kneazlegirl.
TRADED: truth05 and truth20 for otaku15 and cat19 with chrysa.
SCRAMBLER: tattoo06, peach12, faith07, demon14.
TRADED: medusa13, jewel08 for inu20 and moe10 with duo_aurion.
TRADED: king07 for replica03 with chrysa.
TRADED: faith07 for replica09 with babybahamut.
TRADED: peach12 for cat11 with lysberries.
TRADED: inu16 for sharp16 with toize.
TRADED: jupiter19 for shrimp06 with fluffyferret.
TRADED: pe11 for shrimp08 with melting.

TRADED: rebirth19 for rikka04 with strife_girl.
TRADED: rikka04 for wind06 with shinyalovesdie.

TRADED: sister14 for shrimp18 with glorious.
TRADED: mascot11 for replica14 with nailbat.

TRADED: demon20, nun04 for theEND12 and shrimp07 with faithy_with_a_k.

CARD GRAVEYARD: (week of 11/11) jagan04, jagan07, heaven17.
FREEBIES: crash08, peach19.

TRADED: peach19 for replica12 with lysberries.
GIFT from strife_girl: resolve12, resolve14. ♥

GUESS THE MANGA: white02, rat18, wander13.

GUESS THE SEIYUU: haro15, poor17, hohe05, brazo05.
COSTUME: 66612, genius17, ccbronze.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: kappa11, enkidu05.
ANIME TRIVIA: twins15, cabbit17.
MATCHING: got avarice02.

BULLETIN: took heaven06. (mastered~!)

TRADED: ruse10 for otaku04 with chill_shadow.

GUESS THE ANIME: obsession06, vessel03.

TRADED: crash08 for theEND02 with zethel.

EYE SPY: ditz02, kasshin09, orange18, ccbronze.
SCRAMBLER: inu17, switch13.
TRADED: rat18 for theEND05 with lilikoifish.

THEMED CONTEST 2 VOTING: resolve02, cello16.
TRADED: enkidu08, perfect02, and perfect04 for sharp08, rifle05, and cool07 with lysberries.

CARD POT: put in DNA11 for TheEND04.
TRADED: ditz02 for crusnik13 with 0x.
TRADED: avarice02 for prodigy13 with burningvigor.
TRADED: twins15 for cat16 with squri.

TRADED: cool05 for pride15 with easy_to_replace.
TRADED: tattoo06 for wind02 with melting.

GAVE: pride15 to strife_girl.
TRADED: poor17 for cat17 with demyx.
CARD GRAVEYARD: (week of 11/18) resolve07, ashes01, cruxis11.

TRADED: hohe05 for otaku12 with amewarashi.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROUND 22: esper03, cello02.

LAUNDRY BASKET: perfect16, monkey01, ccbronze.
CARD PICK: sheep02, medusa05, duchess19 (301 cards! Lvl 4 get!).

TRADED: switch13 for theEND10 with skittlestemple.

TRADED: cello02, cello16 for fomicry14, prodigy14 with Chrysa.
CARD GRAVEYARD: (week of 11/28): zanza02, mercury11, crusnik14.

TRADED: perfect16 for replica04 with lysberries.
GUESS THE MANGA/GUESS THE SEIYUU: hound19, soul10, drill14, police17, ccsilver.
DISTORTED: harp11, venus19, common19, ccbronze.
TRADED: spandex07 for PE13 with chikky2k5.
TRADED: drill14 and stalk01 for replica06 and replica10 with lysberries.

EYE SPY: moon09, martyr16, ccbronze.
GUESS THE CHARACTER: score07, snadex06, junk18, ccbronze.
GUESS THE OP: artemis04, ninja14, kohai04, enkidu19, wander16.
GUESS THE VIDEO GAME: nana06, horse18.
CARD GRAVEYARD: (week of 12/05) docter04, glasses16, ronin04.
TRADED: enkidu19 for replica11 with lysberries.
GIFT: got innocence05, prodigy18, prodigy01, prodigy02, and prodigy03 from lazulitcg.
TRADED: crimson02 for sheep17 with zethel.

CARD POT: put in obsession06 for cute08.
TRADED: cute08 for replica16 and replica18 with lysberries.
TRADED: sheep17 for cat02 with parttime_job.
CERTIFICATE TRADE IN: one bronze for hohe01.
TRADED: nana06 for pride04 and pride12 with __katreusaki.

TRADED: pride04 for resolve13 with strife_girl.

TRADED: vessel03 for wind05 with beatrix101.

EYE SPY: reality20, sutra12.
CARD PICK: (3 random cards) haze15, will09.
GUESS THE VIDEO GAME: saturn16, chef10, ira05.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROUND 24: dono09, mainyu20.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROUND 25: perfect18, stoic09.
ANIME TRIVIA: helix15, despair04.

TRADED: ira05 for cat13 with c00_quack.
TRADED: stoic09, kohai04 for sharp14 and sharp18 with chrysa.
TRADED: wander13 and wander16 for wind07 and resolve20 with elystia.

GUESS THE ANIME: 66709, doll12, amnesia05.

TRADED: amnesia05 for sweets12 with mosquetera.
GUESS THE OP: wander14, taijiya07, nyu05, dark01, ccbronze.
GUESS THE CHARACTER: boo12, oha09, dragon15.
EYE SPY: score07, bk20119, strings05.
TRADED: dice10 for sharp12 with lianchini.

GUESS THE MASCOT: aozora03, rifle10, chair15.
FREEBIE ROUND: common10, barrel19.
ANIME TRIVIA: tea15, hornet08, 66-3pentacles.
TRADED: wander15 and wander20 for for 141216 and child03 with elystia.
TRADED: chair15 and thrust15 for cool03 and cool13 with mosquetera.
NEWSPOST: 5 copies of my usercard, 141212 from my Christmas deck, 39-4cups from the tarot decks1. jerk17, tactic17, tongari01, devil11, ego04, kami14, haori08, vector20, 141202, pro06, nurse20, calm05, killer16, brave11, object10, shiro13 as my 16 chosen cards from the newly released decks.
TAROT DECK SUGGESTIONS: 1-magician, mikheil07, friend10. 23-2wands, brave12, cut13. 33-knightwands, mikheil02, temper20. 49-kingcups, tea03, hornet16. 50-aceswords, candy05, sports05. 51-2swords, corrupt15, okami17. 59-10swords, pro12, holy11.
GOT: brave09 and nurse16 from strife_girl. GAVE hornet08 and hornet16 in return. :D
TRADED: membercards with lilikoifish, strife_girl, lysberries, parttime_job.
TRADED: ego04, kami11, and haori08 for 141203, 141215, and pro03 with lysberries.
TRADED: child03 for wind08 with squri.
TRADED: jerk17 and tactic17 for pro17 and 141217 with parttime_job
TRADED: devil11 for 141205 with lilikoifish.
TRADED: mikheil02, mikheil07, and holy11 for calm14, brave13, object13 with chrysa.
TRADED: oedipus16 for ruse17 with nest.
TRADED: genius17, 66612, rifle10 for go17, shiro11, and object15 with tehkev.
TRADED: score07 for wind18 with parttime_job.
TRADED: common10 for 141219 with roxora.
TRADED: demon14, license16 for brave14 and object08 with evilbo.
TRADED: barrel19 for 141211 with melting.

TRADED: tea03 and tea15 for 16-tower with melting.
TRADED: bk20119 for cool16 with blizente.
TRADED: candy05 for object01 with fakelunacy.
TRADED: haze15 and theEND01 for brave02 and object17 with froggster.
CARDPICK: one bronze certificate.
TRADED: score07 for sharp03 with kanon.
TRADED: dono09 for fomicry07 with parttime_job.
TRADED: tongari01 for 141201 and membercards with chikky2k5.
TRADED: taijiya07 for inu19 with magnatum.
TRADED: venus19 for object20 with xspin.

GAVE: vector20 to strife_girl.
TRADED: horse18 for otaku20 with fluffyferret.
TRADED: friend10 for cool01 with aacdeln.
TRADED: esper03 for killer03 with shinyalovesdie.
TRADED: cruxis11 and sweets12 for shrimp04 and shrimp13 with sesshy_is_sexii.

TRADED: brazo05 and brazo08 for cat08 and jerk01 with princess_saix.
ROLL CALL: doubt05, seiryu16, fence05.

SCAVENGER HUNT: mind14, gift08, cut15.
TRADED: kappa11 for court13 with lysberries.
TRADED: medusa05 for replica19 with phantoms_angel_.

TRADED: jerk01 for cat07 with parttime_job.
TRADED: soul10 for killer19 with ignored_tears.
TRADED: mind14 for nurse11 with parttime_job.
TRADED: ruse17 for killer07 with _katreusaki.
TRADED: soul01 for killer18 with kaleidoruby.
TRADED: doctor04, monkey01, angeles06, and resolve02 for calm15, cool12, killer05, go14, and tongari15 with m_a_foxfire.
TRADED: boo12 for cool15 with spiralheaven.
FREEBIE ROUND: court05, net19.
GUESS THE ANIME: amnesia12, flash15, goetia12.
TRADED: goetia12 for teach17 with parttime_job.

TRADED: duchess19 for shiro20 with demyx.
TRADED: junk18 for wind04 with zomg_louize.
TRADED: ronin04 for 141213 with capn_cat.
GUESS THE SEIYUU: velvet17, angel18, net13, ccbronze.
EYE SPY: punch13, lazy15, tongari03, ccbronze.
GUESS THE CHARACTER: rain19, earl06, baron18, geta02, ccsilver.
TRADED: earl06 for taiyaki13 with babybahamut.
TRADED: aozora03 for nurse09 and guilt05 with illula.
TRADED: geta02 for truth01 with lysberries.
TRADED: seiryu16 and rain19 for cat03 and pro16 with headshot
TRADED: guilt05 and lazy15 for shiro14 and nurse03 with elystia
TRADED: ice02 for selece20 with demyx.
TRADED: flash15 and taiyaki13 for calm03 and calm13 with m_a_foxfire
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: marble19, soldier07, haori02.
ANIME TRIVIA: willow06, friend02, candy06.
TRADED: selece20 for nurse12 with strife_girl.

TRADED: haori02 for court16 with lysberries.

CARDPICK: ccgold.

SCAVENGER HUNT: haori15, pig02, ciao19, ccbronze.
GUESS THE MANGAKA: chief11, azoth11, water19, ccbronze.
TRADED: aozoth11 for 141206 with toize.
TRADED: ice08 for spirit05 with demyx.

TRADED: candy06 for potion07 with fakelunacy.
TRADED: court13 for otaku09 with voxune.
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: valesti13, gun12, scales14, extreme14, object03, bombay16, saru12.

TRADED: potion07 for inu12 with melting.
TRADED: scales14 for tongari10 with parttime_job.
GUESS THE OP: pisces05, goose11, profe17, cop15, glory06, some puzzle piece..., ccbronze.
TRADED: glory06 for dog08 with glorious.
CARD POT: put in voice17 for kami10.
TRADED: moon09 and ninja14 for wind13 and pro14 with roxora.
TRADED: kami10 for calm11 with lysberries.
TRADED: okami17, goose11, and doubt05 for spirit15, food11, and food13 with amano_rei.
FREEBIES: 35-kingwands.

TRADED: harp11 for shiro09 with 0x.
TRADED: profe17 for go19 with asinineabstract.
TRADED: cop15 for sheep01 with mosquetera.
TRADED: artemis04 for shiro07 with chaoticchicken.
TRADED: ashes01 for calm09 with hughes_maes.
TRADED: velvet17 for nurse01 with callie_chan.
TRADED: resolve01 for shrimp19 with princess_saix.
EYE SPY: ccbronze, betray07, chair02, tea05.
GUESS THE CHARACTER: extreme17, okami01.
GUESS THE MANGA: wave11, boar16, destroy17.
GUESS THE VIDEO GAME: jet08, tease20, heil08.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: brave10, girl18, object10.
ANIME TRIVIA: bat12, rubber15, liar17.
SEIYUU: nqm05, suzaku17, heart03, simple05.
TRADED: bat12 for pro01 with chrysa.
TRADED: heart03 and angel18 for shrimp10 and chair09 with chibi_shiro.
TRADED: sheep01 for cut09 with parttime_job.

DISTORTED: ccsilver, 141203, velvet13, style17.
TRADED: chief11 for cool11 with aacdeln.
TRADED: tea05 for killer15 with melting.
TRADED: spandex06, helix15, friend02 for toy20, perm19, budget03 with chikky2k5.
TRADED: pisces05 for pro15 with lcpdragonslayer.
TRADED: pig02 and soldier07 for calm01, killer14 with thepotatofamine
TRADED: dragon15 for go10 with curiositykate.
TRADED: okami01 for object14 with amewarashi.
TRADED: extreme14, extreme17 for object02, shiro18 with voxune.
TRADED: chair09 for pro08 with lysberries.
TRADED: chair02 for spirit08 with asinineabstract.
TRADED: sheep08 for calm18 with parttime_job.

CERTIFICATE EXCHANGE: four silvers and one bronze for otaku05, otaku10, otaku18, sharp01, sharp04, sharp10, sharp13, wind14, and wind19.
TRADED: water19 for object19 with lilikoifish.
TRADED: tongari15 for 141218 with chikky2k5.

TRADED: valesti13 and corrupt15 for calm08 and calm12 with elystia.

GUESS THE MANGAKA: 52-3swords, okami08, ccbronze.
CARD PICK: cop14, angel17, killer17.
TRADED: willow06 for cool10 with dia_aren_marie.
TRADED: rubber15 for replica08 with nest.
TRADED: cow07 for novel11 with bondofflame.

TRADED: temper20 for go18 with cloudxsora.
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: ccsilver, chariot09, demon06, land01, perfect02, ruins06.
TRADED: haori15 for spirit12 with parttime_job.
TRADED: tease20 for pirate05 with asinineabstract.

TRADED: snake04 for nurse07 with callie_chan.
GUESS THE ANIME: three07, noble09, bombay02.
TRADED: ciao19 for blade10 with victorisham.
TRADED: court05, okami08, and object10 for 141220 and King of Swords with haruhara.
TRADED: land01 for pro20 with chrysa.
ANIME TRIVIA ROUND 29: brave02, warrior20.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROUND 29: 77-kingpentacles, shiro07.

EYE SPY: grudge06, bass01.

SCAVENGER HUNT: spirit18, smoke12, katana05.
TRADED: punch13 for killer02 with demyx.
PICK A CARD: shiro16, court17.

BBS: ccbronze, object06, toy19.

GUESS THE MANGA: trick19, crush15, aniki07.
DISTORTED: alice18, ganguro20, gift13, ccsilver.
TRADED: three07 for shiro10 with clioheika.
TRADED: horse15 for pro02 with parttime_job.

GUESS THE ANIME: cake20, 73-10pentacles.
FREEBIES: smile18, jerk12.
ANIME TRIVIA: heil17, guilt06, bald01.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: tactic18, mist18, baron11.

TRADED: jerk12 and tactic18 for toy11 and moe18 with parttime_job.
GUESS THE CHARACTER: go01, water20.
TRADED: smile18, 66703 for 54-5swords with lysberries.
TRADED: brave02 and velvet13 for brave03, nurse14 with c00_quack.

TRADED: 66709 for object12 with lysberries
TRADED: jet08 and style17 for shiro17, object18 with voxune
TRADED: guilt06 for cat06 with blitzente
TRADED: warrior20 and crush15 for go16 and cool08 with chibi_shiro
TRADED: tiger03 for pro18 with kaleidoruby
TRADED: smoke12 for calm06 with chrysa
TRADED: baron11 for tongari18 with callie_chan
TRADED: water20 for calm07 with lysberries

TRADED: shiro07 for court19 with chikky2k5
GUESS THE MANGAKA 04: nqm12, flashy20, vampire09, ccbronze.
PICK A CARD 24: blind06, guilty13, shiro03.
SCAVENGER HUNT 04: flash18, gift03, toy02.
SCAVENGER HUNT 05: nihao19, angel20, ring09.
CARD POT: put in cut13 for maid09.
TRADED: aniki07 for ruse13 with insanezero.
TRADED: bald01 for pro10 with victorisham.
TRADED: cake20 for object07 with chikky2k5.
TRADED: alice18 for go02 with headshot.

TRADED: common19 for object16 with aikodestiny.
CARD GRAVEYARD: doctor08, ronin02, ronin03.
TRADED: mist18 for nurse13 with cakemix
TRADED: cut15 for spirit10 with stardust_halos.

DISTORTED: pisces06, boar05, ccbronze.
EYE SPY 24: doubt03, harpt10, ensign13, ccbronze.
TRADED: betray07 for 141210 with duo_aurion.
CARD GRAVEYARD: innocence03, innocence04, ramen04.
TRADED: cop14 for cake19 with mosquetera
TRADED: saturn16 for tongari02 with rhap_chan

GUESS THE MANGAKA: holy20, oedipus10, boar08, ccsilver.

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: band08, ccbronze.
CARD POT: put in boar16 for perm02.
ANIME TRIVIA: oedipus20, goetia13, material08.
LAUNDRY BASKET: angelus09, bombay07, ccbronze.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 31: rubber05, bar02, barrel18.

PICK A CARD 25: ccgold.
TRADED: bunny10 for object05 dia_aren_marie.

TRADED: angel17 and rubber05 for nurse06 and nurse19 with nest.
DISTORTED: toy14, junk14, ccbronze.
FREEBIES: hornet05, chief15.
MASCOT: unmei08, rubber19, reality12, azoth18.
LEVEL UP (level 3): criminal09, desu14, jagan03.
MASTERED HEAVEN: jagan12, storm17, sake01.
MASTERED JAGAN: hohe02, trick05, azoth07.
MASTERED THE END: hohe06, calm20, mind16.
MASTERED HOHE: otaku03, ring06, arm01.
TRADED: angelus09 for Ace of Wands with firethanatos.
TRADED: angel20 for brave05 with chibi_shiro.
TRADED: nqm12 for prodigy19 with lilikoifish.

MASTERED (otaku, sharp, wind, shrimp): shrimp09, shrimp11, shrimp15, inu01, soldier13, miroku15, pro05, okami05, trick10, chariot16, sports16, fight16.
TRADED: desu14 for 141214 with toize.
CARD GRAVEYARD: innocence06, innocence09, innocence10.
TRADED: junk14 for tongari20 with babybahamut. Got ccbronze as an apology. (awww)
GUESS THE CHARACTER: shiro08, mist17, cop18.
TRADED: trick05, trick10 for spirit17 and prodigy06 with amewarashi.
LEVELED UP: (level 4) theEND09, flirt07, hime12.
TRADED: rubber19 for spirit13 with nest.

LEVELED UP: (level 5) inu04, boar08, tactic18.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: 141207, food19, tea10.
TRADED: Girl18, sports05, and sports16 for spirit11, tongari08, and prodigy07 with kaleidoruby.

LEVELED UP: (level 6) inu03, melissa01, unlucky07.
LEVELED UP: (level 7) inu08, sinner08, stalk17, tease01.

TRADED: ganguro20, heil08, and nihao19 for 56-7swords and nurse05 with fluffyferret.

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: rikka02, 38-3cups, lonely01, cake15.
TRADED: cake15 for toy18 with chikky2k5.

SCAVENGER HUNT 06: breast13, father13, ghost09, ccsilver.
TRADED: holy20 for nurse08 with demyx
TRADED: storm17, tease01 for 5 of Wands with victorisham.
TRADED: pisces06 for go11 with illula
TRADED: oedipus20 for object11 with c00_quack.
PICK A CARD: ccsilver.
TRADED: goetia13 and mind16 for pro13 and spirit03 with parttime_job.

EYE SPY 26: ccbronze, perfect16, malice18.
GUESS THE CHARACTER 25: ccbronze, earl18, faith05.
CERTIFICATE TRADE IN: 2 silvers and 2 bronzes for 141204, 141208, 141209, inu10, and inu13 and one copy of my membercard.
GUESS THE VIDEO GAME 23: protect19, traitor06, watch03.
GUESS THE ANIME: teach08, ramen03, materia10, chef15.

MASTERED (1412, inu, object) object04, object09, pro04, mercury02, oedipus17, prince11, mary01, demon03, crush01.
TRADED: earl18 for light14 with beatrix101
CARD POT: boar05 for court01.
TRADED: harp08, harp10 for 58-9swords with chisakki.

TRADED: saru12 for tongari07 with chikky2k5.

TRADED: hornet05 for pisces10 with strife_girl.
TRADED: fomicry14 for calm17 with elystia.
TRADED: pisces10 for go08 with lysberries.

CARD GRAVEYARD: prodigy17, ramen02, sin01.
GUESS THE MANGAKA: ccbronze, traitor13, haori12.
PICK A CARD: pisces20, teach19, isolate12.
TRADED: haori12 for toy01 with lysberries

GUESS THE OP: child14, dream19, ccbronze.
TRADED: vampire09 for prodigy15 with haruhara.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 33: pitch18, scales17, crush17.
ANIME TRIVIA 33: pisces07, fan09, martyr05.

TRADED: child14 for spirit01 with squiri
TRADED: scales17 for court15 with amewarashi.
TRADED: court01 for go07 with blitzente.
CARD POT: gift03 for toy07.

TRADED: rikka02 for cool06 with parttime_job.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: dame20, kick15, faith14.
ANIME TRIVIA: rubber14, hime15, protect18.

CARD EXCHANGE: exchanged whatever
this is, boar08, moe10, nyu03, and nyu05 for mentor06, novel13, windom19, sin05, usagi10.
TRADED: materia08 for nurse02 with chibi_shiro.
EYE SPY: ccbronze, ganguro19, call01, taijiya09.
GUESS THE CHARACTER: jerk03, nun17.
TRADED: kick15 for tongari13 with amano_rei.

TRADED: arm01, blind06, noble09, protect18, and protect19 for toy13, pitch01, pitch12, pitch17, and perm17 with chikky2k5.
TRADED: faith05, faith14, bombay02 for calm02, toy16, and prank18 with golden_bastet.

TRADED: sinner08 for pitch08 with amano_rei
TRADED: band09 for killer03 and resolve08 with fluffyferret
GUESS THE MANGAKA: jerk20, knight07, father03.
TRADED: flashy20 for ramen16 with verie.

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: fallen17, ring02, tori16, wind12.
TRADED: pisces07 for toy06 with lysberries.

SCAVENGER HUNT: three01, hime16, earl16.
TRADED: resolve07 and pitch12 for go05 and go06 with voxune.

GUESS THE CHARACTER: cop08, sky07, rubber06.
CARD POT: swapped perfect02 for pitch05.
GUESS THE VIDEO GAME: pride03, dame14.

TRADED: sake01 for killer13 with haruhara
TRADED: teach08 for calm16 with melting
GUESS THE MASCOT: pro11, flash16, horse07, nobody13.
GUESS THE ANIME: pisces03, suzaku18, cheagle15.
COSTUME: shiro07, holy11, prank19, ccbronze.
ANIME TRIVIA: well03, explode13, prodigy10.
LEVELED UP: (level 8) dono02, rebirth14, fallen16, pro07.

TRADED: liar17 for court14 with clioheika.
CERTIFICATE TRADE IN: 2 silvers for pro09, pro19, calm04, calm19.

MASTERED: (pro and calm) calm10, go04, goose05, convict14, lonely09, vampire14.

SCAVENGER HUNT: spirit14, sweets19, guilt07.
PICK A CARD 28: mikheil10, tamago13.
PICK A CARD 29: ccgold.
GUESS THE MANGAKA: dame17, pact19, doubt05.

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: truant14, ganguro02, katana09.
GUESS THE OP: bombay20, light16, haori09, smoke16, vampire13, witch02.
TRADED: flash16 and flash18 for Queen of Swords with lysberries

TRADED: cheagle15 and ghost09 for go09, killer06 with whisperinghope
TRADED: suzaku18 for spirit16 with headshot.
TRADED: shiro07 for shiro02 with kaleidoruby.
TRADED: traitor06 for cool19 with stillarium.
TRADED: kojirou07 and mainyu20 for go03, killer01 with duo_aurion.
TRADED: pact19 for cat14 with thunderemperor.
TRADED: mikheil10 for toy09 with parttime_job.
TRADED: malice18 for toy15 with 0x.

TRADED: goose05 for cat12 with amewarashi.
CERTIFICATE TRADE IN: 1 silver certificate for cat04 and cat18.
GUESS THE MANGA 25, 26, 27: odango01, gun07, go11, shine10, deity12, poor15, baiba17, ears10, oedipus03, ccsilver.
GUESS THE SEIYUU 24, 25, 26: coffee02, god14, smile17, kasshin17, lies06, bones04, geta18, taijiya07, fake14, ccsilver.
LEAP YEAR RANDOMS: earth17, brute18, herr14, rooster07.
TRADED: isolate12, cake19 for resolve03, resolve19 with chill_shadow.
GUESS THE GAME 26: tease02, lazy19, ccbronze.
TRADED: explode13 for spirit20 with verie.
TRADED: pride03 for yoko07 with thunderemperor.
MATCHING 18: theEND14.
MASTERED (cat): go12, pitch15, sketch08.
RECEIVED: yoko06, time10 from lilikoifish. WILL BE PAID BACK SOON!

TRADED: odango01 and god14 for Knight of Swords with squiri.
TRADED: prank18 for yoko03 with amewarashi.
NEWSPOST: claimed badge12, breed01, ejus05, faint20, hat01, organ19, rival16, shallow16, sica14, snipe01, time01, win20, wolf15, writer03, and yoko17.
TRADED: mary01, destroy17, father03, grudge06 for court02, court08, food05, food10 with chikky2k5.
TRADED: dream19 for prodigy08 with suidorime.
TRADED: hat01 for yoko01 with aikodestiny.
TRADED: snipe01 and breed01 for yoko02 and time20 with chikky2k5.
GAVE: sica14 and wolf15 to lilikofish.
GUESS THE MASCOT: trace14, lotus14, ballet13, ccbronze.
TRADED: rival16 and shallow16 for yoko16 and time04 with lysberries.
FREEBIE 18: hammer20, survive12.
FREEBIE 17: organ05, illegal02.
TRADED: tamago13 for brave15 with voxune.
TRADED: geta18, haori09, pisces03, pisces20, smile17 for food01, food16, food17, devil01, and devil16 with chikky2k5.
COSTUME: bald09, adult04, ccbronze.
CARD GRAVEYARD: melissa02, light05, ouroboros09.
TRADED: organ05 and organ19 for yoko04 and time05 with maia_cyllene.

TRADED: guilty13 and nyo02 for writer07 and vessel03 with verie
RECEIVED: brave19 from cookie_pixie.
TRADED: vessel03 for court07 with lilikoifish.
TRADED: ballet13 for cool09 with amewarashi.
RECEIVED: time17, ejus14, and yoko14 from strife_girl.
TRADED: holy11 and illegal02 for replica15 and pitch16 with replica.
TRADED: teach19 for pitch09 wtih melting.
TRADED: cop08 for pitch06 with burningvigor.
TRADED: faint20 and win20 for yoko15 and time07 with parttime_job.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY: spiral09, lively14, spice12.
TRADED: go11 and knight07 for fallen18 and resolve07 with chianna
TRADED: dragon02 for shiro15 with estilix.
CARD GRAVEYARD: ronin19, trap06, kira04.

CARD GRAVEYARD: kira07, kira12, kira13.
TRADED: trap15 for time11 with chianna.
RECEIVED: badge12 from strife_girl.
TRADED: poor15 for ejus20 with cookie_pixie.

TRADED: boar13 for prodigy11 with shurikenuser6.

GUESS THE MANGAKA: energy19, spiral02, archer01.
GIFT from strife_girl: tsunderes, kary, vic, and kimmie's membercards. glitch01, rival03, water13, worry10, 40-5cups, tactic03, smile14, flash08, noble05, owls17, griever11.
CERTIFICATE TRADE IN: 6 bronzes and 2 silvers for go13, go15, go20, prodigy05, prodigy09, prodigy20, replica01, replica02, replica13, and replica17
TRADED: owls17 and badge12 for ejus11 and perm03 with blitzente.
TRADED: spiral09 for mark12 with sparkism.
TRADED: worry10 for spirit09 with chrysa.
TRADED: dono02 for nurse18 with illula.
GUESS THE ANIME 34: kohai03, 66606, lord16.
TRADED: for pitch10 with glorious.
TRADED: mark12 for court12 with lilikoifish.

GUESS THE CHARACTER 29: breast14, delicious09.
MASTERED (go, prodigy, replica): born08, despair03, dream18, hammer08, panzer18, yoko09, yoko10, yoko18.
LEVELED UP: (level 9) yoko20, sea07, criminal16, violin06.
TRADED: glitch01 for yoko05 with tehkev.

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE 11: toy14, watch06, nihao14.
SCAVENGER HUNT 11: nurse08, chevalier04.
SCAVENGER HUNT 10: ccbronze, date06, ejus02, peach07.
PICK A CARD 30: ccgold.
PICK A CARD 31: ccgold.

TRADED: theEND14 for cool02 with thunderemperor.
TRADED: ccgold for 15-devil and tongari11 with cakemix.
TRADED: wave11 and rubber06 for fan07 and vessel06 with clioheika

TRADED: vessel06 for court20 with lilikoifish.
GUESS THE VIDEO GAME: kind18, key04, mine04.
MATCHING: dan13.

TRADED: chevalier04 for food15 and ejus17 with haruhara.
GUESS THE MANGAKA 11: theEND16, nyu18, lonely13, ccbronze.

EYE SPY: caeli03, caeli05, ccbronze.
TRADED: fan07 for yoko13 with tehkev

TRADED: chariot09 for resolve05 with clioheika.

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE 13: ccsilver, ccgold, dice15, three16.
TRADED: smoke16 for tongari05 with squri.
TRADED: survive12 for light11 with chianna.
GUESS THE MANGAKA 12: bass05, net03, ramen05, ccbronze.
TRADED: suzaku17 for resolve06 with cookie_pixie.
TRADED: boar08 for food02 with clioheika.

TRADED: griever11 for cool20 with headshot
TRADED: three16 for bride10 with nest.
TRADED: rat06 for toy12 with jibrillehilbert.

TRADED: peach07 for tongari06 with lysberries
GUESS THE ANIME 35: fireball07, mobile11, chair20, mary03.

ANIME TRIVIA: ensign14, sutra16.
CARD GRAVEYARD: kira14, kira17, kira19.
CARD GRAVEYARD: kira16, kira20, kira15.

SCAVENGER HUNT 12: pyro13, reality12, water11, ccbronze.
SCAVENGER HUNT 13: try01, light15, snipe10.

PICK A CARD 32: kasshin19, broom06.
PICK A CARD 33: tori05.
GUESS THE OP 16: barrel11, traitor04, ccbronze.
BBS 16: hound03, ganguro07, ccbronze.
TRADED: chariot16 for toy17 with duo_aurion.
TRADED: cop18, demon03, lazy19, marble19, nun17 for light09, light12, pitch19, ramen19, resolve01 with evilbo.
TRADED: well03 for light01 with haruhara.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY: common14, sand19, lord15.
ANIME TRIVIA 40: monkey16, dono06, tactic07.
CARD GRAVEYARD: license03, license05, thief10.
ANIME TRIVIA 37: pisces14, whisper03, nurse03.
LAUNDRY BASKET 22: bones09, writer08, nqm07, ccbronze.

EYE SPY 33: ccbronze, geta14, shiro10.
LAUNDRY BASKET 21: hell16, death05, monkey05, ccbronze.
LEVELED UP (level 10): yoko08, teeth18, scent07, gun06.
TRADED: materia10 for light04 with sparkism.
CARD POT: ganguro02 for dame09.

CERTIFICATE EXCHANGE: 10 bronzes for yoko11, yoko12, yoko19, spirit02, spirit04, spirit06, spirit07, spirit19, nurse04, nurse10.
TRADED: mobile11 for shiro06 with chrysa. Also got court05 for free. |D

TRADED: mary03, noble05, shiro10 for dame01, dame10, and rent15 with chikky2k5

GUESS THE CHARACTER: resolve20, brave05, unmei20.

TRADED: lively14 for torture04 with demyx.
TRADED: resolve20 and pisces14 for devil14 and thorn16 with chikky2k5.
MASTERED (yoko, spirit, nurse): nurse15, nurse17, storm01, male14, ball18, rookie14, rats13, pirate02, pe03.
TRADED: spice12 for shiro01 with voxune.
TRADED: ouroboros09 for 1 ccgold with chikky2k5.

TRADED: wind12 for ejus09 with cookie_pixie.
TRADED: lord16, sea07, sketch08, common14 for shiro05, innocence08, fetish06, pitch13 with princess_saix.

TRADED: okami05 for toy03 with blitzente.
CARD GRAVEYARD: toy10, 18-moon, ramen11.
TRADED: reality12 for light03 with skittlestemple
TRADED: lord15 for ejus07 with kaleidoruby.
TRADED: three01, 141203 for ejus18, taiyaki06 with aikodestiny.
TRADED: rookie14 for food09 with firethanatos
TRADED: death05, rival03, caeli03, caeli05 for writer10, 2k19, mage18, and kami14 with amano_rei
TRADED: sutra12 and try01 for light20 and potion02 with hughes_maes
TRADED: traitor04, traitor13 for resolve18, toy08 with illula.
TRADED: adult04 for writer02 with sparkism.

TRADED: scent07 for kido12 with froggster
TRADED: net13 and net19 for perm20 and pitch20 with squri

TRADED: nurse08 for perm16 with spiralheaven
TRADED: cabbit17 for light07 with rhap_chan.
EYE SPY 34: kira18, psalms17, kojirou08, ccbronze.

SCAVENGER HUNT 14: esper13, worry10, equal09.
SCAVENGER HUNT 15: writer13, cosmos01.
PICK A CARD 35: ccbronze.
CERTIFICATE TRADE IN: 7 ccgold for 4 of Swords, 6 of Swords, 8 of Swords, Page of Swords, innocence01, innocence02, and innocence07.
PICK A CARD 34: mentor01, saru20, small15.

GUESS THE OP 17: net03, thrust15, style07, ccbronze.

MASTERED: (Innocence, Swords Tarot) toy04, shiro12, 66607, cruel17, shout10, win19, ccsilver.
TRADED: sutra16 for ejus15 with amewarashi.

GUESS THE CHARACTER 34: faith01, sinner08, pride10.
ANIME TRIVIA 42: fuga15, lotis06, blast16.
TRADED: nihao14 for cool18 with kittycatmew.

CARD GRAVEYARD: tactic01, tactic05, tactic09.
LAUNDRY BASKET: worry06, punch14, gun10, ccbronze.

TRADED: saru20, sky07, worry06, worry10, lonely09, lonely13 for court18, ejus10, license12, devil09, hammer19, and ramen14 with dia_aren_marie.
ANIME TRIVIA 41: XP13, grudge10, 141217.
ANIME TRIVIA 43: tease11, rubber10, akuma15.

GUESS THE CHARACTER 35: poison15, amnesia03, liar11.
EYE SPY 36: dog20, tamago16, ccbronze.
SCAVENGER HUNT: major01, seasons08.

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE 17: heart06, materia16, vampire16, ccbronze.
GUESS THE OP 18: ccbronze, ccgold.
PICK A CARD 36: 66916, slave05, ccbronze.
CARD GRAVEYARD: dist14, candy18, ronin10.
TRADED: unmei08, unmei20 for 4 of Wands with skittlestemple.
GOT: court01 from estilix.
GOT: court13, loyal20, ccbronze from estilix.
TRADED: shout10 for resolve04 with kittycatmew.

TRADED: watch06 for dame16 with golden_bastet.
TRADED: ditz14 for toy05 with fakelunacy.

MATCHING 22: beer15, red04, surge05.
TRADED: mentor01, mentor06, pride10 for court10 and 3 of Wands with lysberries.
FREEBIE 19: azure18, orb11.
FREEBIE 20: grudge16, mushi12.
TRADED: orb11 for ramen12 with kittycatmew.
TRADED: red04 for time09 with lilikoifish
EYE SPY 37: mayo20, pyo12, court10, ccbronze.
SCAVENGER HUNT 17: monster13, mary03, crimson20, pitch09.

LEVELED UP (level 11): chair19, finance07, mithril18, shiro19.
TRADED: 667, barrel18, male14 for dame15, perm10, and resolve10 with tehkev
TRADED: born08 for curry04 and pitch14 with haruhara
TRADED: materia16, spiral02 for for time13, perm12 with zellie_kinneas

MASTERED (toy and shiro): shiro04, killer12, rat16, criminal18, faith01, okama08.

CARD CLAIM: 28-7 Wands, sweets05, ashes16.
GUESS THE MANGAKA: dance04, mist10, martyr10, lotis20, wrench20, ccgold, ccsilver.
TRADED: lies06 for tactic20 with cloudxsora.
SPOT THE DIFFERENCE: meteor08, hymn13, whisper07, explode01.

ROLL CALL: barrel12, 66914, range10.
GUESS THE ANIME 38: larvae11, aloof02, ball20, mpd01.

ANIME TRIVIA: range12, king17, reject18.

GUESS THE VIDEO GAME: repeat19, cloud01, bones03.

TRADED: blast16, finance07 for food06 and tongari19 with chianna.
TRADED: faith01, net03, pitch09 for rats05, rats10, and rats11 with cookie_pixie.
CERTIFICATE EXCHANGE: 1 bronze for cheagle14.
GROUP MASTER ROUND 1: yellow15, craft12, guard01, protect13.
CARD GRAVEYARD: sky7, sky17.
TRADED: okama08 for jerk17 with amano_rei.
EYE SPY 38: craft12, sen17, light16, ccbronze.
GUESS THE CHARACTER 37: psalms10, katana20, death01.
TRADED: mayo20 and repeat19 for 34 Queen of Wands with haruhara.

SPOT THE DIFFERENCE 19: moe09, xiii02, watch19, light19.
GUESS THE SONG 19: alien14, calm18, finance18, ccbronze.

PICK A CARD 37: ccsilver.
TRADED: sheep02, whisper03, esper13 for bombay09, rats12, goose17 with cookie_pixie.
TRADED: protect03 for light17 with kissing_on.

SCAVENGER HUNT 19: demon03, mars09, ditz20.
SCAVENGER HUNT 18: mushi06, crusnik18, steal09, manage19, ccbronze.
MATCHING 23: mizu10.
FREEBIE 21: soul04, curry20.
TRADED: katana09 and katana20 for brave20, tongari17 with hughes_maes.
TRADED: craft12 for win05 with amano_rei.

TRADED: jerk03 and win05 for trick06 and smoke12 with parttime_job.
CARD POT: cruel17 for cruxis08.
EYE SPY 39: soul12, mugen01, sharp01, ccbronze.
GUESS THE CHARACTER 38: ballet10, materia06, album13.

DISTORTED 25: absurd19, fashion01, crow08, ccbronze.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 45: bald14, god18, book07.
TRADED: cruxis08 for license19 with chikky2k5.

TRADED: fight16 for storm16 with mosquetera.
TRADED: grudge10 for bombay05 with chikky2k5.

[ TCG Masterlist ]

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