Title: Where Children Would Go (If They Never Learnt)
Rating: R
Word Count: 7451
Summary: I wanna dance the tango with chance, 'cause nothing gets done with dust in your gun.
Notes: This blends cinematic with comics and extrapolates from there.
Where Children Would Go )
Comments 5
The ending isn't a happy one, but it's hopefully realistic within/for the setting? I really liked it, in any case. It was a nice departure from the 'everyone lived happily ever after' at least.
No, definitely not a happy one, but it is realistic for the setting, and I wish their battle could be written too, but it's a perfect ending as well. If that makes sense? :)
That's very true; all of the happily ever after's are getting a bit stale now.
Just the idea of the three of them at the end of everything, the only ones left, just just just -- BAWWW BABIES. ;___;
I'll take your keyboard smash as a sign of a job well done. Thanks so much.
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