Title: A Father Just In Name Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 930 Summary: The end of a long day brings up some memories for two of the team. ( this prompt at avengerkink) Warning: discussion of past child abuse, physical/emotional
I have yet to come across a story of yours that I don't love. This broke my heart into so many pieces - I just wanted to give them both hugs. Stellar job packing so much emotion into a relatively short piece. : )
Thank you so much for the absolutely wonderful feedback. It's made me smile on an otherwise terrible day. I'm so glad you liked this; Clint & Tony both need hugs, certainly, they're just wary for different reasons about accepting them. It's definitely heart breaking if you spend too long thinking about it.
Wow, I'm flattered you'd choose to do such a thing. There's quite a bit.
A Clint-centric coda, for you: Natasha steps into the room on silent feet. She's been listening, waiting, biding her time until the genius and her partner finished their heart-to-heart. Her childhood was no picnic either but she doesn't dwell on that. She takes Clint's arm and draws him away from the window, pulling him down the hall and toward his bedroom.
She puts him to bed, lets him figure out the covers for himself. He tangles himself up, swaddled in cloth like a babe and the image almost makes her smile. Clint opens an eye to look up at her as she reaches the door and Natasha returns his look of bleary confusion with an impassive one of her own. He doesn't want pity when he's sober and she won't give it.
"Go to sleep, Clint." If her voice is a shade softer than normal, less brusque than it is to everyone else - well, that's their secret too.
you, my dear, are my new favourite person on the intertnet :D <3
I love the image of Clint curled up on his sheets. naw.
Man, I really don't know why people don't write more about them*sigh* and because I'm a real creeper(and on hiatus on LJ) I'm gonna follow your tumblr :P
Comments 8
I'm so glad you liked this; Clint & Tony both need hugs, certainly, they're just wary for different reasons about accepting them. It's definitely heart breaking if you spend too long thinking about it.
I appreciate you took the time to comment so much, thank you.
this was heartbreaking *sighs* I hope Clint got somekind of hug from Tash
A Clint-centric coda, for you:
Natasha steps into the room on silent feet. She's been listening, waiting, biding her time until the genius and her partner finished their heart-to-heart. Her childhood was no picnic either but she doesn't dwell on that. She takes Clint's arm and draws him away from the window, pulling him down the hall and toward his bedroom.
She puts him to bed, lets him figure out the covers for himself. He tangles himself up, swaddled in cloth like a babe and the image almost makes her smile. Clint opens an eye to look up at her as she reaches the door and Natasha returns his look of bleary confusion with an impassive one of her own. He doesn't want pity when he's sober and she won't give it.
"Go to sleep, Clint." If her voice is a shade softer than normal, less brusque than it is to everyone else - well, that's their secret too.
I love the image of Clint curled up on his sheets. naw.
Man, I really don't know why people don't write more about them*sigh*
and because I'm a real creeper(and on hiatus on LJ) I'm gonna follow your tumblr :P
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