Feb 01, 2011 13:20
It's February and love is in the air! The following items are on sale at various street vendors around town. Due to the nature of these items, they only work from the 1st of February to the 13th. Valentine's Day itself is reserved for True Love that blossoms naturally.
Love Potion #10: Most effective love potion out there. Just supply some of your DNA (no questions asked, any sample will do) and anyone who tastes your custom-made love potion will fall instantly in love with you. Effects last one hour and there are no diminishing returns for repeated administrations. 100% guaranteed.
Love me, Love me not Amulet: This amulet will change color to show the wearer how others feel about them. Handy color guide included:
Black: This person hates you
Blue: This person has neutral feelings toward you
Yellow: This person likes you as a friend
Pink: This person has a crush on you
Red: This person wants you physically
White: This person is in love with you
Monster Cookies: These cookies can be fed to monsters to make them temporarily amicable toward the person who feeds them. WARNING: The cookies may have dangerous unwanted side effects. Use with caution.
Cursed Barry White CDs: When played, the music on these CDs will put anyone in earshot in the mood for lovin'.
Forget-me-nots: Give these flowers to your special someone and they won't be able to stop thinking about you for 24 hours. Not even in their dreams.
Mood chocolates: These candies will instantly change your mood to a variety of emotions. You never know what you'll get till you try it. Effects last five minutes.
Courage Charm: This lion-shaped pendant will grant the wearer courage to confess their feelings to the object of their desires.
Sad Little Storm Cloud Pin: Wearing this pin will discourage any but the most enthusiastic attempts to engage the wearer in Valentine's shenanigans.
Expression Hearts: These chalky-tasting candies have a variety of cute phrases on them. While you have one in your mouth, you are immune to the effects of other Valentine's items, but you can't eat more than five an hour without risking drymouth and cavities.
Valentines, flowers, candy, and singing telegrams can all be purchased and sent. The shop will respect any requests to remain anonymous.
((OOC: Remember, the second stage of the event in which characters will be taking the appearance of their special someones will begin on the 8th of February. In the meantime, enjoy these specialty items~!))