
Mar 24, 2011 20:23

[There's a loud rustling sound as Gokudera sorts through the bag he's appeared with and draws out his map.]

Lucerne...? It's not even Japan!

[He gives a loud, frustrated groan before stuffing the paper back into the bag. The broadcast goes silent as he seems to have paused]

Hm? [He inspects the radio. It's clearly on, but for some reason, he can't ( Read more... )

[character] gokudera hayato

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Comments 15

[Audio] pinch_hitter_80 March 25 2011, 06:44:07 UTC

[There's slow sliding sound followed immediately by a sudden crash of the books and paper Yamamoto had leapt over in the middle of cleaning to get to the radio.]

Is that you?


Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen March 25 2011, 17:09:11 UTC
Who the hell else would I be?!

[He sounds stressed. Then again, something feels off about this place and he hasn't ran into anyone he knows yet. It isn't audible, but he does feel somewhat relieved to hear a familiar voice. If this were any other time, he wouldn't be so quick to respond.]

Where's the Tenth?


[Audio] pinch_hitter_80 March 25 2011, 22:19:59 UTC
It's Gokudera!

[And Yamamoto's grinning wide enough for the sound of it to come through the radio. He even gives a lighthearted laugh when Gokudera asks about Tsuna. There was no doubt about it.]

Tsuna's been here, actually in the same apartment as me and Mukuro. Where has Gokudera been?


Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen March 25 2011, 22:26:03 UTC

[He growls over the receiver, his grip shaking on it with fury. As if he hadn't been freaking out already! Now that guy was involved and the Tenth could potentially be in danger!]

So it's that bastard's fault!

[It seems that last question is lost on his because HELLO the Tenth isn't around, and obviously, Mukuro isn't worth being trusted]


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Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen March 25 2011, 17:19:23 UTC

[On the other end, it sounds as though he'd dropped something, paying complete attention to the radio he's heard his boss' voice come out of. His response is loud, as though his mouth is directly pressed to the receiver]

Where are you?


(The comment has been removed)

Re: [Audio] bakudan_shounen March 27 2011, 02:19:16 UTC
No, Tenth! I'm on my way to go see you. That baseball idiot said something about it being Westin Apartments...

[He glances at his map to confirm he's heading in the right direction]

Do you want me to pick you up something while I'm out~? [Even if you say no, there's a chance he'll grab SOMETHING from a convenience store on the way]


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