Daily Life Meme/Survey

May 04, 2010 15:13

Hey guys, Kyio here with something that could be called a meme, but is much more like a survey of sorts.

For those of you who were around for this, guess what? It's happening again! IT KEEPS HAPPENING For those of you who don't know what the heck it is, allow me to explain -- this is a 20 question survey/meme/what have you about your character and their experience in Luceti. All you have to do is copypasta the questions in the box below, fill out the answers, and that's that. Feel free to respond IC or OOC (please indicate which so no one gets confused!) to the answers given on other people's surveys as well!

1) Height: (either canon height or just a guess)

2) Weight: (either canon weight or just a guess)

3) Eye color/Hair Color: (also add whether the color is supposed to look/represent another color (IE: hair looks blue, is supposed to represent black) or was dyed or ... whatever)

4) Age: (Also note if they're supposed to look younger/older than they are)

5) Voice: (either link to a clip, choose a character/actor's voice you think your character sounds like (for those who don't have VAs or actual actors) or just type out what you think they'd sound like -- whatever way you wanna go about it o/)

6) Who does the housework in their house/apartment?: (laundry, dusting, sweeping, so on)

7) Their favorite (and least favorite, if you want) foods and who does the cooking in their house/apartment?:

8) What they do during an average day in Luceti: (Stay home, do chores, read, meet up with people, wander, so on)

9) Their general sense of fashion: (what they tend to wear when they're not wearing their usual canon getups.)

10) Do they have any hobbies? Did they come up with these hobbies in Luceti, or was it something they always did?:

11) Has the situation in Luceti changed their view on certain topics/the way they react to different things?: (IE. A character who couldn't stand poor people in canon now is more tolerant of them due to circumstances in Luceti, so on)

12) Do they have a weapon? If so, do they carry it at all times or just under certain circumstances?:

13) Who are their neighbors?:

14) How long have they been in Luceti? Has that length of time impacted them in any way?: (IE. getting used to the place, not wanting to leave, being less/more inclined to do something about their situation, so on)

15) Their favorite areas/stores/hang-out locations?:

16) Wing color and how do they deal with their wings?: (cover them up, generally ignore them, jump every time they see them in the mirror, so on)

17) Did they change or grow in any way physically since coming to Luceti?: (height, weight, hair-length, etc)

18) What do they miss the most from home?:

19) What does their handwriting look like? Do they write the way they talk, or is there a clear difference between the two?

20) Anything else you want to note?:

Have fun, guys! ♥
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