markofthewise: 6x, 6y - Sokka very much loves getting all intimate. Ridiculously so. He's a total putz for hugging, cuddling, and kissing. bluffgenius: 5x, 5y - Pretty much average all around. He likes his flirting, but he probably is a little more restrained with intimacy. onebluebamf: 4x, 5y - Kurt holds back a bit because, frankly, he's all too aware of how freakish he looks. He's shocked Amanda even likes him. But he imagines the idea of kissing him would be squick for just about everyone. dakingofawesome: 10x, 3y - Bowser cannot comprehend the idea of being in love with another guy. It just doesn't occur to him. He also has some fairly simplistic ideas about intimacy. For the record, kissing is THIRD BASE. harveyinmyhead: 5x, 7y - Crichton likes his sex, okay. And he could probably go higher, because after meeting a Peacekeeper spy chick, the two of them talk and then go skinny dipping and make out. And yet, with Aeryn, he is a bit more reserved when she outright offers to have sex, but only because she does not see sex as being intimate. So... it's weird, okay?
falenandawn: 3X, -5Y Awkward on all romantic fronts, he's less prone to sexualizing and more prone to crushing forever based on personality. Basically: He and Lyon. all game long. Puppy eyes.
loyal_arrows: 0X, -2Y I can't see him honestly giving a damn about gender with his overcaring nature, But he's also shy.
barefoot_bender: 4X, 4Y 12 year old girl just discovering boys are cute. I rest my cast.
compos_mentis: 0X, 7Y hazelrink: 8X, 8Y [Yes, I know, so straight! But she does see what she does to girls as platonic. ...Really] generalflirt: 9X, 6Y soulbait: 10X, -7Y
Comments 279
bluffgenius: 5x, 5y - Pretty much average all around. He likes his flirting, but he probably is a little more restrained with intimacy.
onebluebamf: 4x, 5y - Kurt holds back a bit because, frankly, he's all too aware of how freakish he looks. He's shocked Amanda even likes him. But he imagines the idea of kissing him would be squick for just about everyone.
dakingofawesome: 10x, 3y - Bowser cannot comprehend the idea of being in love with another guy. It just doesn't occur to him. He also has some fairly simplistic ideas about intimacy. For the record, kissing is THIRD BASE.
harveyinmyhead: 5x, 7y - Crichton likes his sex, okay. And he could probably go higher, because after meeting a Peacekeeper spy chick, the two of them talk and then go skinny dipping and make out. And yet, with Aeryn, he is a bit more reserved when she outright offers to have sex, but only because she does not see sex as being intimate. So... it's weird, okay?
loyal_arrows: 0X, -2Y I can't see him honestly giving a damn about gender with his overcaring nature, But he's also shy.
barefoot_bender: 4X, 4Y 12 year old girl just discovering boys are cute. I rest my cast.
hazelrink: 8X, 8Y [Yes, I know, so straight! But she does see what she does to girls as platonic. ...Really]
generalflirt: 9X, 6Y
soulbait: 10X, -7Y
Won't lie. Laughed at that.
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