Mar 05, 2011 13:14

So, I take it some of you wonderful muns of Luceti remember the Character Sexuality Chart?  And the results?  Well, we're gonna do something like that again now!  Except this time, we're gonna do it a little differently!

It's an ever-present struggle, timeless, celebrated, reviled, embraced, questioned, seen as both fiction and reality.  I'm talking about the constant, classic battle of Good versus Evil, and Law versus Chaos.  And every person, no matter who they are or where they come from, knowingly, or unknowingly, has a stance on these two axes.  We call this, in Dungeons and Dragons terms, as Character Alignment.  Alignments are not meant to restrict a character, but rather to easily describe their world view and their actions.  What we're looking to do is for fun, track the "alignments" of the characters in Luceti as a matter of curiosity and fun.

Now then!  For those of you who don't know anything about the character alignment system, I've prepared a primer for your reading!  Even if you're familiar with the system, give it a look if you're unsure on things.   Below I've listed approximations to where alignments would fall on the grid.   They are by no means absolute, but are ballpark estimates.  You don't have to be exact in your placements, but close is good.  Really, use your best judgment and have fun.

X-Axis:  The Chaotic/Lawful Axis
-10:  Extremely Chaotic.  You utterly disdain law and order.  You value freedom more than anything in the world, be it your own or others.  You do whatever your gut or your heart tells you to regardless of what the man says.  In fact, you're so chaotic, you come off as highly unpredictable, even amongst other Chaotic individuals.
-9 through -7: Very Chaotic.  You really don't like being given orders, you don't care for authority.  You will almost always listen to your heart about what it is that needs to be done and you value freedom very highly.  There may be times when you cooperate with the forces of Law, but normally only when your goals intertwine or if it benefits you or your cause.
-6 through -4: Chaotic.   Generally speaking, you follow your own path through life.  You like freedom, and you don't especially like rigid structures provided by codes of conduct.
-3 through -1: Neutral, Leaning Chaotic.  You value freedom and your own ways to some extent.   You'll disobey laws or codes if you feel as though you should, choosing that your own methods might better serve your cause.
0:  Purely Neutral.  You are utterly neutral when it comes to the axis of Law and Chaos.  You may simply not care about it, or you're focused on other things.  You're generally as likely to follow the law as you are to break it, depending on the situation.  Alternatively, you may prefer to the idea of balance, believing that an excess of Law or Chaos is detrimental on a whole and actively seek neutrality as a lifestyle.
1 through 3:  Neutral, Leaning Lawful.   You prefer law and order to  some extent, though you are generally not particularly zealous in that belief.  
4 through 6: Lawful. Lawful individuals are those who uphold the law of the land or adhere to their own personal codes of honor.  Typically Lawful individuals value honor, obedience to authority, and dependability.  
7 through 9: Very Lawful.  You strongly adhere to the laws of the land or to your own moral code.  Breaking them would be something you would gravely hesitant to do and would only do under the most dire of circumstances; perhaps not even then.
10: Extremely Lawful.   You utterly disdain disorder or chaos, preferring that all things be structured and ordered, and that you will follow it to the letter.  Breaking the law, your personal code, or your word is utterly unacceptable under any circumstance and you still strive to see your objectives through using these rules and guidelines no matter the cost.

Y-Axis: The Evil/Good Axis
-10:  Purely Evil.   Your character's heart is the blackest of evil.
-9 through -7: Very Evil.  Characters that are known for marked negative traits.  They are generally self interested and are damn near irredeemable.  However, they may not be completely devoid of positive qualities.
-6 through -4: Evil.  Evil is pretty self explanatory, though characters in this range may show some redeemable qualities and may not be as extreme as people who fall further down the evil axis. 
-3 through -1: Neutral, leaning Evil.  These characters are not expressly evil, but tend closer toward neutrality.   They don't necessarily actively seek to do harm, but they may have a slightly selfish or mil sadistic streak to them. 
0:  Neutral.  Neutral characters on this axis are neither good nor evil, and tends toward neither consciously, or simply don't care about the conflict of Good and Evil.  They tend to do whatever seems like a good idea or what makes more sense to them at the time.  This is more of a "normal" person's alignment.  Alternatively, if part of the "True Neutral" alignment, they may be seeking an active balance between Good and Evil. 
1 through 3:  Neutral, leaning Good.  These characters do not necessarily identify themselves as expressly good, but they are more likely to make virtuous moral choices if given the opportunity.
4 through 6:  Good.  People who are generally altruistic, heroic, or interested in helping people.  Will generally help someone if in danger.
7 through 9:  Very Good.  Individuals that are selfless and virtuous.  They exemplify positive traits that are often desired in individuals, frequently being labeled as heroes.  
10:  Purely Good.  The paragon of virtue and goodness.  Your character is unflinchingly good, always trying to do the right thing no matter what, balking at even the thought of doing evil.

So, what I need you to do, is comment using the format below where you think your muses fall on this table.  This is just for fun, so don't stress too much over it if you have trouble with an exact placement, and if you want to leave written justification for why you placed them where you did, you're more than welcome to do so!

: 0X, 0Y

We'll post the results in a few days.  If you have any questions, I'd be glad to answer them!
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