Who: Draftees.
What: FIGHT FOR YOUR LIVES... or wander around. idfk.
When: Anytime this week.
Where: Desset City
Summary: Mass-interaction post in the city for the poor souls who've been drafted.
Rating: Anywhere from PG to R.
[With permission from the mods, I've gone ahead and put up this... post... for everyone who was interested in actually threading in the city. You can either prose or write in first-person; totally up to you. Actually threading a fight with the Third Party is also optional. Just keep in mind that if you do you'll have to be the one controlling the enemy's actions and whatnot. If you're not sure how to go about that,
just remember the information they've provided us with. They're not very tough, but if you still need an idea with how they fight, just read up on
this a bit. Please do remember that the enemies we're fighting are weaker compared to the ones previously fought, though. |D;
But yeah. Mass-interaction, guys. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.]