Who: Everyone. EVERYONE.
What: The event is over.
When: From 12:01 AM on the 28th to all day after
Where: All over da place!
Summary: With the event over, people will be waking up in whatever homes they moved into, perhaps next to someone they normally wouldn't.
Rating: I dunno it could get kind of steamy :o
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I lived in a village too- secluded, away from the war that had spread through most of the world for a hundred years. It's called Kyoshi Island. We kept ourselves safe by capturing any intruders and letting the Unagi, a sea snake that lived in our harbour, deal with them. That was my duty, as a Kyoshi Warrior. And then the Avatar came to Kyoshi... after that, everything changed.
[For better, for worse... she's not really sure. Kyoshi is still safe, and that's what matters, right? That's a much greater luxury than Fenimore has. She should be grateful.]
Isn't the Avatar supposed to be some kind of hero, though? Shouldn't that be a good thing?
[Suki hadn't said whether it was good or bad, but if the story was going to be similar to Fenimore's own, the arrival of outsiders must have some kind of negative backlash.]
[Well, she probably doesn't need to say it. It was pretty close, though.]
She keeps it to herself, though, beyond slight tension in her voice.] Then you couldn't stay secluded any more. [She's guessing -- "everything changed," after all.]
[She can't help but make note of Fenimore's previous tone, though- it all must sound a little too pleasant to be compared to her story. And it still isn't, really. It's not fair, that this is all she can really offer. Even so...]
It didn't go so well. We met the Fire Lord's daughter, Princess Azula, and... we were all defeated. [Still a source of shame, that one. That she and her warriors had been defeated by three girls, only one of whom was a Bender. They'd all been prodigies, sure, but... even so.] I was sent to the Boiling Rock- a Fire Nation prison. Everyone said it was impossible to escape from a place like that.
She sits at the desk chair -- easier to talk if they're both sitting down -- and, with some effort, inwardly pushes aside the parts of her that don't want to be sympathetic. Whatever she thought about the comparative difficulties in their stories, she still owed it to Suki to listen without any judging. Suki had done the same for Fenimore, and hadn't she just said that being able to talk helps?
And, besides that, Suki had been willing to leave protected isolation to help other people who were in trouble. The thought hadn't even crossed Fenimore's mind, in her own situation. She might not know what to think of that, entirely, but some respect had to be given for bravery.]
...Were they right?
[She takes a deep breath, her expression serious again. She feels as if she at least owes Fenimore this.] I'm sorry, I know it doesn't even come close to comparing with what you went through. I just... thought it was fair for me to share that. So you know that you're not alone.
...I appreciate it.
You look pretty good in that, now that I've gotten a better look. Though... [Her lips purse, brows lifting.] ...It's just not the same without the face paint.
I...see? ...Or I guess I don't really. It seems a little too much like...putting on make-up for battle? [Which seems really weird. Though less weird than the fan thing -- that had to be just the experiment, right?]
Okay back to paint.] Huh. I guess it is pretty striking. I've just never heard of anyone using it where I come from.
I can't help but love it, to be honest. I grew up with it being a symbol of great honour and strength in my village, so I feel that much stronger when I'm wearing it into battle.
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