Did you know she showers outside?

Sep 02, 2011 14:19

Who: neoslaying and dontgetcuter (if neighbors want to hear / get involved tell us)
What: Awkward arrival/first meeting
When: Mid afternoon
Where: His apartment (C7 / Room 6 on Floor 2)
Summary: Melaka arrives in Luceti in an unfortunate position. She improvises
Rating: Dubiously note quite work safe

[So Melaka Fray arrived in Luceti on the room of a building - for a Haddyn girl, thsi is hardly unusual. But unfortunately, she arrived not only right on the edge of the roof, but also in a silly white dress. She's never worn a frock like this in her life, that she can recall, and as such it's only natural that... taking one step forward - awed by the mass of green she can see in directions all around her and the sun which she can feel beating on her skin - she trips right over the dress, not only ripping it, but also sending her hurtling off the roof.

Bad day.

Of course, as a Versi girl and as the Slayer, she's more than equipped to deal with something like this. As she falls she looks for little things to slow herself down - using the dress as a parachute of sorts works for a while, then hitting her shoulder on a fire escape's rail, and then catching herself on an eternal pipe of some sort. She could fall the ground from there, but there's still a good story to go and she's not that sure she'd slowed enough to survive it, so instead of going further down, she sees a likely looking window, swings on the gutter, and flies in through it.

Of course she doesn't realize she just swung into someone's bedroom and she does sort of realize that she ripped her dress such that she's down to just underwear but survival takes priority here]
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