Who: Everyone!
What: There are these crazy masks everywhere, you see. And does the moon look strange to you?
When: The 23rd through the 30th. (If you want to backdate a thread in here to the 22nd for some reason, feel free. A separate log for the day of Halloween will go up at a later date!)
Where: Everywhere!
Summary: Things are starting to get a
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... Only to notice the mask when she turns around. Oops. ]
F.. Fuuko-chan..?
Yes, I am..! I'll try my very best once again!
A starfish and dango are sitting together in their house! The dango is watching TV whilst the starfish was reading a book. Suddenly there was a power cut!! [GASP!] As the TV was now off, the dango decided to go to bed, leaving the starfish alone. The starfish kept reading in the dark!
How is it possible for the starfish to keep reading in the dark without the starfish using any other sources of light? ...Like a torch!
M-maybe.. um, it radiates light, because it's a starfish..?
[ She's wincing a little already though, as if she's waiting for another impact. ]
[What sort of angelic creature would that be? It would glow like the star at the top of a Christmas tree and the light it would give off would warm the hearts of all who set their gaze upon it.]
That was not Fuuko's answer, but the thought of a starfish giving off light is much too appealing not to accept as the correct response!!
[ She didn't expect that, but.. well, hey, it's good if it's accepted! She manages to smile a little again. ]
I'm glad you liked the answer, Fuuko-chan.. A shining starfish would be pretty cute, right?
[This needs a little more thought. Oh, she's meant to give a reward now right? Or... Should it be more punishment?]
Since you didn't give the right answer, but an equally acceptable answer, does that mean Fuuko should give you a reward or hit you again? Fuuko is at a loss...
[ Pondering this. Hm. The second part is something less to ponder, though, since it's practically a near concussion at stake.. ]
A-- .. ah, for this once it should be okay to just do neither, right? Since it's not the right answer, but not a wrong answer either.. [ She giggles, but there's something slightly nervous about it- please don't hit her again.. ]
[But first PUNISHMENT-- Well no, doing nothing sounds good too.]
That would make sense, wouldn't it? Alright then! Fuuko will not hit you with a starfish but Fuuko will also not give you a starfish! You have to work hard for them after all. [...] Fuuko is out of riddles.
That's okay..! You already gave me some really good riddles just now, so this should be enough for today, right..?
[Oh, idea!]
Fuuko will have to make up some more riddles! A starfish and a dango are in a race, who wins?! [...Is that even a riddle?]
[ because they might have even more ridiculous answers.. but okay, she will try her best! ]
... That's.. I'm not sure how either of them would be able to run..
[Oh, she should have made it more specific so that the starfish and dango can actually move.]
They're running down a slope. [...] The dango will roll down the slope. The starfish has a skateboard with a wheel missing which it will use to race. [...This riddle is awful.]
[ and this riddle is the best. Except Madoka finds it really confusing (as any normal person would).. ]
Hmm.. So the question is actually if the dango is faster than a skateboard or not?
[Screw you magazine writers, Fuuko has the best riddles ever.]
No! Of course not. It's if the dango is faster than a starfish on a skateboard. [Duh.] Fuuko is unsure how else the starfish could move in a race! ...Unless Fuuko threw it over the finish line!!
You see.. if the dango had to roll all the way, you could probably throw it faster than the dango could ever roll, so that's a little sad..
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