Who: Everyone
That's your horoscope for today ♪When: November 25th-30th
Where: Anywhere you want!
Summary: The event has begun, and- oh, you guys know the drill 8|
Rating: ???
The horoscopes have appeared on the journals, the effects are in place, and just about everyone is acting a little bit... quirky, shall we say
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- Your next Career: Unknown Graphic Novelist
- You're not the only one who thinks you're inadequate.
- Your paranoia is justified.
- It's as bad as you think.
[Anise blinks, startled, then promptly starts to tremble. Oh sweet Lorelei, this is probably some scheme by someone trying to kill her, right?]
All Days
[There's a new booth in the plaza! Too bad it looks very small and poorly maintained, as if the owner is ashamed of it. Anise will be sitting there for most of the afternoon, trying to get you to take a look at the fabulous comics she had drawn.]
[However, should you come closer to take a peek at her works of art, she'll immediately jump and get a deer-in-headlights look. fsudhfsdf leave her alone she's just a poor unknown graphic novelist she hasn't done any harm don't kill her please...!!!]
Such is the life on an unknown graphic novelist who can't count.]
You don't have to rub it in! I know my stuff looks awful!
[Putting her comic back and carelessly shoving his own back into the file, or rather his portfolio. You never know if there might be someone around he can throw his work at to see how good it is.]
It's my work that looks awful, don't go dragging yourself down like that.
[Aw hell no, stop that sniffing right now.] It's not a trick, why would I be trying to trick you anyway?
Right. [Typical, he ends up talking to a crazy person.] Well that 'everyone' doesn't include me. I'm not out to get you or anythin' like that. I was lookin' at your work, that's all.
Oh...okay! [Pause pause pause while she tries to muster up some courage. Sob it shouldn't be so hard to ask.] Can I take a look at yours?
Looking down at his folder... Before slowly bring it up to rest on her little makeshift booth.] If you like, nothin' work looking at in there though. It's mostly a work in progress...
[The drawings in there seem to be of a shounen style graphic novel, centered around 'Sinjiro' and his sidekick 'Lackeyhiko' fighting the evil forces of 'Stuprega'... The names are wonderful and are his pride and joy okay.]
Whoa, you're pretty good at drawing action! I wish I could do that!
Heh, really? [SOMEONE PRAISING HIS WORK?!-- Cough cough, ahem.] 'M sure you could, with a little practice. Not that you need any with stuff like that. [Nodding his head towards her work.]
Awww, you're a pretty sweet guy, aren't you! [She was suddenly struck by a thought. But the question was: could she? This is kind of a big thing to ask...And he's probably just being so nice because he pities her, right? She takes a deep breath and decides to try anyway.] So, I was thinking, since you're so good at drawing action and I'm...[a failure] not, how about we work together?
When she sees Anise's booth, she approaches it with a smile.]
Good afternoon, Anise. What's all this?
I started drawing comics! Here, you can take a look! If you promise not to kill me. [The last bit is said in a quiet, nervous mutter.]
[And she'll pick up some of Anise's work to examine it more closely. It's not that bad, really. She nods faintly as she reads the captions.]
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