Who: Everyone
That's your horoscope for today ♪When: November 25th-30th
Where: Anywhere you want!
Summary: The event has begun, and- oh, you guys know the drill 8|
Rating: ???
The horoscopes have appeared on the journals, the effects are in place, and just about everyone is acting a little bit... quirky, shall we say
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• There's no substitute for unbridled laziness.
• Truth may be perception, but you're just a freaking liar.
• Shave your head.
• You've always been committed to being yourself. Stop it.
[On the 25th, no one but Luke will see hide or hair of Asch (unless they drop by). He'll be in bed. Sleeping all day. Not moving. Yeeeep.
The 2nd day, he will (reluctantly) get out of bed, and he'll even say he's happy to be up. But that's where the lies begin.
The 3rd day, the lying continues, but he's wandering around the village, searching for a good place to... cut his hair. And he's really doing it! He totally is! He just... needs someone around to see it happen. It'll be great! He'll change, he really will! You can't stop him!
(Please for the love of god someone stop him.)
And assuming he is stopped - or left unnoticed - the hair will have to stay. ...Tied up in a bun at the base of his neck, that is.
Because on the 4th day (and every day after until it's over) he's wearing this. After all, he's changed.]
[Okay, he is really getting confused here. Is Ginji mixing him up with Luke or something? As unusual as that sounds...
...Oh, right, the scissors. He retrieves them, rubbing the dirt off with his tabard. Wouldn't do to get muck in his hair.]
[Ginji glances back at Asch, eying the scissors with renewed suspicion.] Mine tipped me off, and here you are... So Asch, you're not really going to go through with it, are you?
...I am. You just stand back and watch me do it.
[Lifting the scissors now!]
Hey...stop!! What are you planning to do with those? Weren't you going to tell me to get lost?
I'm going to cut my hair! Either watch me or stay out of my way!
[Wait, what.]
Yes, but... In the middle of the street, Mr. Asch?
It's my hair, I can cut it wherever I want.
Hold on a minute! Maybe it'd be better if you waited for a little while. I mean, I'm sure you could find a barber if you asked around...
[Afterthought.] And they'd have a mirror.
I don't know anyone who cuts hair around here.
[Going out on a limb here.] I'll bet that's because you've never needed one before.
What? No. ...Not for a long time, I guess.
[But suddenly Ginji's feeling cranky again. All the forced cheer:] Why don't you give me those?
What are you going to do with them, then?
[ooc: If you wanna move it to his appointments post I made a thread here!]
Off to the tea shop, then! They should have rice cakes there, too, or some kind of cookies, right? Right! So off she goes, not paying much attention to anyone else. Her eyes are down into her box of sweets. Careful now, passersby...]
Miyabi, watch where you're walking.
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