Who: Everyone
That's your horoscope for today ♪When: November 25th-30th
Where: Anywhere you want!
Summary: The event has begun, and- oh, you guys know the drill 8|
Rating: ???
The horoscopes have appeared on the journals, the effects are in place, and just about everyone is acting a little bit... quirky, shall we say
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• There's no substitute for unbridled laziness.
• Truth may be perception, but you're just a freaking liar.
• Shave your head.
• You've always been committed to being yourself. Stop it.
[On the 25th, no one but Luke will see hide or hair of Asch (unless they drop by). He'll be in bed. Sleeping all day. Not moving. Yeeeep.
The 2nd day, he will (reluctantly) get out of bed, and he'll even say he's happy to be up. But that's where the lies begin.
The 3rd day, the lying continues, but he's wandering around the village, searching for a good place to... cut his hair. And he's really doing it! He totally is! He just... needs someone around to see it happen. It'll be great! He'll change, he really will! You can't stop him!
(Please for the love of god someone stop him.)
And assuming he is stopped - or left unnoticed - the hair will have to stay. ...Tied up in a bun at the base of his neck, that is.
Because on the 4th day (and every day after until it's over) he's wearing this. After all, he's changed.]
I..see---how ...strange..
With a careless shrug, Asch tugs the blanket back over both of them and relaxes, letting himself doze off right along with her. Whatever, she's warm and comfortable and he doesn't have the heart to kick her out. Not like they're doing anything wrong, right?]
and there was snuggling. ]
He's got a pillow, bedroll, and everything. And he's eating breakfast nonchalantly beneath the mantle while watching everyone else in the house.]
Why do we have a fireplace.
Asch stares for a long moment, blinking blearily to try and sort out whether or not it's even real or if he's still in some sort of bizarro dream. But no, he feels awake enough... puzzling.]
Who the hell are you?
Lloyd, remember? Wow, Luke. Your hair sure grows fast.
It's a wig.
Didn't think so. I just thought I'd check, y'know.
[And he goes back to casually munching breakfast. Maybe he can lure in the cat he saw signs of earlier.]
What are you doing here?
[ooc: btw we can continue here if you'd like to evade recaptcha]
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