Who: Watari & Anyone who comes across his bonfires.
What: He's been talking about arranging a midnight festival, or a bonfire by the river for few days. And it's exactly what he's doing. There's a big fire going on, nearby a table with marshmallows, weenies, bunch with some fresh berries floating in it. He'll be very sad if he'll have to destroy them all by himself. :( So, anyone who comes across him, feel free to join in. Doesn't mean you have to interact with him, feel free to have your own threads.
When: Today.
Where: By the river.
Summary: Ah, the bonfires...
Rating: G
It's hard to say what time of the day it is. Watari lost count around the second day, now it's just always dark and sometimes he sleeps. It's not a bad way of living, if a little disturbing. The flames lick their way up of the pile of branches he has gathered by the river. He has spend most of the day dragging the branches on the pile with Duo, and he's feeling sweetly tired but not quite ready to sleep.
He checks up everything once again, smiling as the light spreads from the bonfire. The flickering light creates a living fairytale on the edges of the forest, giving more depth to the chattering water running by. He picks up a glass of bunch, and his journal and decides to send out an open invitation to his impromptu festival.