Guess what kids? The last week of October isn't all fun and games and cotton candy. No, it's about dancing and costumes and a
Halloween Ball.
Come the morning of October 31st, your characters are free to notice quite a few droids transforming the first floor of the hotel -the lobby, outside by the pool, the large dining/ballroom- into a Halloween extravaganza. Fake cobwebs, orange and black streamers, disturbingly realistic spiders dangling from the ceiling. All those classic little decorations. On one side of the enormous room is a huge cluster of tables; upon them are being set bowls of bubbling punch and fake blood (or is that real blood? it's labeled "For Vampires (vegetarian) only!", so perhaps you shouldn't take your chances...) along with crystal goblets. There are also finger foods! ...foods shaped like fingers, eyeballs, candy lips with fangs, popcorn, caramel apples and practically anything and everything that could be conceived.
What is most unnerving, however, is the sign in front of the entrance to the ballroom that says -quite plainly- "Come in costume, or you'll be made to!" ...huh. Luckily, there are some stalls in the park conveniently handing out costumes in exchange for a gold token. Characters can dress up like Dracula, ghosts, werewolves and mummies. ...of course, some stands are carrying strangely familiar costumes; SOLDIER uniforms, alchemist coats and...hey wow, that is a very realistic pair of sheer
mana wings... Come sunset, your characters are going to be issued an invitation by a droid, whether the poor thing has to run after your character and shove it into their pocket or simply pass by them on the street and hand it over; it's a card shaped like a little tombstone with their name on it, and beneath that:
RIP: Required In Person!
You are hereby cordially invited to the Halloween Ball taking place right this very moment! Please report to the hotel lobby in costume with your invitation in hand to enjoy the festivities!
Don't be fooled by the polite wording, this party's mandatory. The droids are going to be hunting down anybody who plays hooky and dragging them kicking and screaming to this thing. And if your character isn't costumed? No worries, the droids can put you into one of their extras! A bedsheet with holes in it. Full-body TP.
...a unisex bunny suit.
You know, just whatever they happen to have.
And be sure to get yourself a date! Or at least a fake one; the droids want to see some romance, so don't be surprised if your character ends up getting shoved at someone else's for a dance, regardless of gender or orientation.
Of course, they can't watch your character all the time; after all, there's going to be a DJ and there's going to be dancing and lights and a dark, spooky atmosphere so if your character happens to slip away, it's perfectly understandable. They can even head out into the park, though with the droids running the party at the hotel the park itself will be dark and empty and...terrifying.
Oh, and there's the fact that the
Hunter will be wandering loose in the park as well. Who says vicious murderers can't have fun?
CLARIFICATION REGARDING THE HUNTER: Okay so, basically the Hunter isn't going to be a played NPC. On the ball log, if your character sneaks out and you have a thread with someone else and want to include the Hunter (or if you'd rather dump some big-ass comment describing what happened for the interaction later, that's fine too), you can control its actions yourself; whether or not it wants to pursue or not. Just know that it's invincible like the droids, shaped like a huge, hulking man with a nondescript face and likes to rip the wings off of your poor little characters. The Hunter isn't just some stupid tank though, it's a capable fighter. It's not a big stupid boss, so if you turn a corner and hide it can make an educated guess as to where you are.
The log for the ball will go up some time on the afternoon (EST) of the 31st (more than likely early depends on when I get back from work and if Akai is on so we can write it up). Backdating is allowed of course, since not everyone will be around the 31st, but we ask that no new comments be made after the 6th of November. Plus, keep in mind that if you wait too long, it won't be likely that you'll get much interaction from the other players as interest wanes with time.
Have fun!