All right. Several things; we're introducing a new element to the game, but let's deal with the unpleasant business first.
Application time is being reduced to the first week of every month.
Luceti has gotten to the point in both its size and lifespan that we need to start pushing plot rather than focus on drawing people in. Because a long-standing application window means that new arrivals trickle in every three weeks out of four per month, it makes it very difficult for characters, muns and mods to really do anything significant. So we're shifting our focus from new arrivals to plot.
All right? Cool.
Starting February, the Malnosso are going to start recruiting characters for the war. It's not mandatory for you, as players, but it should be considered as something of a draft amongst the characters. Every other month or so the Malnosso will release a short list of characters that need to report in for battle; they'll be transported to another location via the
flat, silver disc platforms in the tunnels. For a week they will push back the advancing lines of the third party at a location described in the draft post for the month. While on the battlefield, their powers will be back to full and they'll have whatever weapons they needed. Allow me to explain in greater detail.
- Here is the OOC sign-up post. If you would like your character recruited -at any time- just go there and drop a comment using the form provided. The draft is handled on a first-come, first-serve basis unless a mun in question has a dire need to be a filthy line-cutter.
- Every other month or so the Malnosso will make a post as soon as applications close; anywhere from ten to thirty characters will be chosen to head to the battlefield against the Third Party. In that post will be descriptions of what type of enemy they'll be facing, what the battlefield will look like, and how long they'll be gone.
- During the time the character is on the battlefield, they obviously won't be able to do any action posts with anyone in the village. They can use their journals the same as ever for when they aren't fighting, and they can engage in action threads with those on the battle field with them.
- Like the kidnappings, this will act mostly on assumption. Assume your character is out there fighting these enemies, or you can play it out with someone else and godmode the enemies all you like. A decent enough description will be provided so that you can do this, but if you have any questions by all means, ask them!
- Also like the kidnappings, if you would like your character to be recruited so that you may take a hiatus, that's completely okay too. Just let us know and drop a note in the hiatus post, as always.
- RETURNED POWERS DO NOT INCLUDE SUMMONING. Summons are still a no go. We swear, there's a reason for this, it's not just cockblocking.
- If your character dies on the battlefield, all the same rules still apply. They'll be returned to the village upon awakening, though.
- If your character decides not to show up. TOO BAD. Droids will come claim your character and shove him/her onto the platform. Whether or not they decide to fight once they've been transported to the battlefield is another matter entirely.
- If someone other than a recruited character gets on the platform, nothing will happen. They'll just hold up he line.
Any questions/concerns/comments? As always, feel free.