plot results |D

Oct 07, 2010 20:55

Sup guys, the results are in! Instructions for each category are after the lists, so make sure you check that out.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered! Due to the fact that so many people wanted to get involved, we bumped the numbers for the kidnapping and infiltration lists to 15 each. As stated before, one character per mun was chosen, and all mun selections were randomized. And I think we actually managed to get most, if not all of the first choices granted! /o/

If your name didn't get picked, we're sorry D: BUT! Don't despair. There's something very exciting coming soon, and everyone gets to enjoy it.

For more details in regards to all of this, the original post is here!

Kidnapping Team

Kouki - de_bel_survivor
Kyrie - nightsofrain
Ion - soreplaceable
Ezra Scarlet - redhairedknight
Yuan - fortunefail
Samurai Jack - wanderer_jack
Saleh - mountain-sage
Sheena - corrinesbell
Guy - count_gardios
Sokka - markofthewise
Leonard H. McCoy (Bones) - gotmebones
Luna Lovegoodlunarwit
Jennifer - redroseprince
Noel Vermillion - bullet_dance
Tsuzuki Asato - purpledemoneyes

The kidnapped list will be ICly released on Bil's upcoming post later today. No volunteering is necessary! However, to gain the immunity to drugs and power cap that'll trigger when the escape starts, your character must pay a visit to John in the tunnels. You don't have to play this out if you don't want to. Just so long as your character is ICly aware of it. (Bil will be sure to mention this in the post.) Kidnapped characters will not be taken armed, so for those without powers who want to arm themselves during the escape, the security guards will be carrying weapons such as guns, short swords, and nightsticks, so feel free to swipe those and put them to good use.

Edit: They can also have an infiltrator smuggle in small weapons for them if they want, so feel free to have some IC organization going on beforehand.

Again, these characters will be kidnapped at any time during the 9th of October. You can do an entry or handwave it, no pressure either way.

Infiltration Team

Giles - consultmybooks
Raine - wise_maiden
Susumu - meshninja
Shadow - shrouded_reaper
Mizuno Ami - no_use_running
Batman - cowledcrusader
Sheik - shadow_sheikah
Minato - emp3thy
Rise Kujikawa - liketofu
Albert Silverberg - chikaidestroyer
Harry Potter - cruxofapotter
Ted - 300yrswandering
Buffy - slaying
Squall - knighted_lion
Allen Walker - outwalks

On his post, Bil will be asking for volunteers to infiltrate the facility. You must ICly volunteer in order to be selected. If you don't volunteer, someone else will be chosen, plain and simple. These characters must also ICly visit John in the tunnels to have their barcodes modified, as well as a disguise Shift applied to them, on the morning of the 10th of October. Just like with the kidnapping group, you don't have to play this out if you don't want to. Just so long as your character is ICly aware of it. (Bil will be sure to mention this in the post.)

The infiltration will take place between the morning of the 10th until the evening of the 11th. (The time is being moved around a bit; characters can investigate and get themselves settled, and then when night falls on the 11th the big escape can occur. Time-wise, this feels more natural, considering the size of the building and the level of exploration that'll probably have to happen.)

Since John will be choosing the disguised role for each character, it would be helpful if the infiltration group chose them OOCly in this post so we can have at least one of each group. There are six to choose from, so maybe have a mention of what the character's skills are and why they should have that particular job? (eg. Susumu would definitely not be a computer specialist, but there are other roles he's qualified to take.)

Edit: Infiltrators can smuggle in weapons that can be concealed in their clothes. So like... guns, knives, maybe a small sword or something, but no six-foot broadswords or anything obvious.

Front Line Team

Sigmund - chaincutter
Sonic the Hedgehog - blue_velocity
Caesar Silverberg - mydearapple
Okita - ahappylie
Kamina - ooh_kamina
Link - blessedbyfarore
Spike - univalent
Arumat - 13th_captain
Rydia - eidolon_soul
Michael Blanc - sapphire_sniper
Sapphire - wildconqueror
Katara - markofthebrave
Yuri Lowell - once_knighted
Rita Mordio - ritacule
Ax - gustareion
Nan - rendingblade
Patchouli Knowledge - 1week_wizard
Stahn Aileron - hotheadedidiot
Shadow the Hedgehog - letsgetmoving
Derek Bliss - derek_bliss

On his post, Bil will be asking for volunteers to get involved in the front line attack. You must ICly volunteer in order to be selected. If you don't volunteer, someone else will be chosen, plain and simple. The members of the front line group are free to travel to the area anytime between when the infiltrators leave and the escape occurs. Characters can be as armed as they please, and no modifications are required. The teleporter will send them directly to the forest just outside the facility, hidden from sight but within a few minutes of the building itself.

At the time of the attack, the front line team will be signaled via journals (this will be ICly arranged ahead of time) so the attacks can begin at the same time. After that, you all have free reign and can do whatever you please with the building and those within it |D

Just a note: trying to interrogate captured Malnosso workers will probably not earn much in the way of useful answers unless you resort to torture or something (and you hero-types shouldn't be doing that, shame on you!). If that becomes a concern, contact a mod and we can work something out, especially if, say, NPC involvement is required.

AS AN EXTRA NOTE: I know plenty of characters would ICly volunteer for the infiltration/rescue, even if they aren't picked, so feel free to do so anyway! We have a reason not to send the rest along... this time. :|b

With all that secretarial business out of the way, I have a few questions for you guys:

1) Are you interested in an IC log to meet with John and have the modifications done? It can be optional or handwaved, and I've seen some interest about it, but hey, more opinions is always nice.

2) How do you guys want to handle the whole process? One big log? A couple of logs for each part? Action entries? A happy mix of all of the above? OPINIONS, I DESIRE THEM.

And that's it. Comments, questions, have at! /BRACES SELF!

events, plot

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