Hello my lovelies |D Eyes here for a bit. I have a list of IMPERTENT BIZNESS TO DEAL WITH.
The Friend Add/Remove for this cycle is below:
friend add seleniahymn
friend add heavenslament
friend add entaiho
friend add winged_moon
friend add spade_of_fire
friend add sorryhesabear
friend add notaboy_gtfo
friend add godbent
friend add a_childish_lord
friend add hana_king
friend add originaljackass
friend add greenlongjohns
friend add likeraditz
friend add noprevaricating
friend add magnifien
friend add failuremage
friend add listenstorocks
friend add talvimyrskyn
friend add fallenambitions
friend add lusus_scientiae
friend add healeveryone
friend add likenappa
friend add autocrossbowplz
friend add tothelibrary
friend add restoretheworld
friend add talktomyguns
friend add abishopreally
friend add acuitas
friend add kingofwaste
friend add cuttingedges
friend add lucathedraw
friend add starts_destiny
friend add kazakami
friend add oncebright
friend add adeadringer
friend add sierra_023
friend add tehoniongirl
friend add selfless_chosen
friend add thederpyone
friend add justonename
friend add shesmyapplepie
friend add honorthecode
friend add caughtadoctor
friend add nofireallowed
friend add antlioncyclone
friend add plantsactivist
friend add magecaptain
friend add usedfryingpan
friend add tempest_break
friend add blondexena
friend add king_en
friend add my_yoke_broke
friend add enemyscanning
friend add lost_pig_boy
friend add hanatarou
friend add manmade_angel
friend add un_faized
friend add sunkurbattleshp
friend add semper_cogitans
friend add rain_of_bullets
friend add boxedoff
friend add coveralls
friend add suitedforcoffee
friend add undershades
friend add strategicbail
friend add soracles
friend add divinearrow
friend add strayfag
friend add bravare
friend add fight4theusers
friend add chandra_ablaze
friend add shinigamiphile
friend add seaweedsoup
friend add vivi_aislinn
friend add contempsi
friend add fates_ironic
friend add formerhero
friend remove paishoplayer
friend remove valorandwisdom
friend remove moonlightoutlaw
friend remove wanderingsnail
friend remove god_is_a_dude
friend remove lunarwit
friend remove awaitingalbion
friend remove ihasacutout
friend remove mothercuts
friend remove soulphile
friend remove shieldsroyalty
friend remove fireinherheart
friend remove realivewire
friend remove 4000gropes
friend remove temperateheart
friend remove 4000ages
friend remove most_talented
friend remove eeeek_a_rat
friend remove wildconqueror
friend remove pinkbedwetter
friend remove nottanzanite
friend remove healing_yellow
friend remove verisprit
friend remove bluffgenius
friend remove a_honeysuckle
friend remove dayofcentury
friend remove salvationfound
friend remove falenansun
friend remove quitewright
friend remove youmademebleed
friend remove tornadomechanic
friend remove tionysus
friend remove cryology
friend remove rupturedbabylon
friend remove praygenius
friend remove intobrightness
friend remove spiralwitness
friend remove ofzero
friend remove consultmybooks
friend remove invidia_keeper
friend remove gustareion
friend remove die_wiederkehr
friend remove mybossisbetter
friend remove esper_flight
friend remove undertheanchor
friend remove andheavenknows
friend remove dressedinflame
friend remove tobecomeaknight
friend remove harveyinmyhead
friend remove ratnavati
friend remove greaterdays
friend remove goddamn_butler
friend remove sniperkingftw
friend remove couldhavedanced
friend remove forever_heroine
friend remove shockingsoul
friend remove a_bit_heartless
friend remove roadstovictory
friend remove twoyearblade
friend remove im_the_cute_one
friend remove leftover_storm
friend remove saltwaterwounds
friend remove 300yrswandering
friend remove applehair
friend remove touchedbystars
friend remove flamesofkaraya
friend remove notredheaded
friend remove sing_thrush
friend remove lilblackfeather
friend remove ankoku_fox
friend remove likeafirework
friend remove ninthforgiven
friend remove loyal_arrows
friend remove dynamicfury
HERE to set yourself up. NEW PLAYERS: if your name is not on the add list, you will not be added to the master list! So get your keister over to the
Add/Remove post and comment to it. Shoo.
Many of you are aware of this, but for those unaware and/or new: Luceti occasionally has a special mission draft, aka Recruitment, where characters are voluntold for the war going on outside the barrier. For the amount we send each time, numbers tend to dwindle quite quickly! As such we like to draw attention to it. Like so. |D
To sign your character up for it, the post is
HERE. When is the next draft, you might ask? WHO KNOWS 8D
A little birdy passed along the message that people might be interested in a dressing room for players to practice their potentially-apping or soon-to-be-apped characters. After a modly discussion and a general "here here" from some of the playerbase,
trainingwings was created!
There's a set of rules and a short FAQ there (which will probably grow as needed, so ask questions and we'll answer them as best as we can), and obviously the rules of Luceti itself still apply- be courteous, no godmoding, blah blah blah you guys already know. Membership is open, and this little side community will be watched and modded by
saltprice (who also came up with the name for it, yay!) as well as Kyo, so behave yourselves and listen to them! And tell your friends/potential appers, put it to good use. have fun with it. |D
I'd like to make a special note though, and say that we don't want to see activity in Luceti fizzle because you guys have a new DR to play in 8| This is srs. If we find the DR is taking away too much attention from you people we might have to crack the whip, and no one likes that. But activity is still required here, you know?
And speaking of which...
We've been waffling and faffing about in regards to the activity check, what counts as good activity, why people fail, etc. etc. In a game this large, it's really difficult to do all of that and still attempt to seem fair to everyone. Well, alright, it's impossible to get everyone to agree, but that's life D|
Anyway, we mods have been discussing a more fair way of judging activity, and before we place any new rules in effect, it's certainly only fair if we warn you guys ahead of time. So here is an expanded list of guidelines, just for clarification. Hopefully this will help you guys understand what makes us crack the whip on people when the AC comes around. We'd really like to do something about squatters.
The 20-comment requirement:
-This tends to make people fuss because counting comments is annoying. We know, we do it for every single short-looking thread that we get linked to :| The reason we make a big deal of this is that 20 comments is the minimum. Reaching 20 isn't exactly something to celebrate; it's like passing with a D. But what's really making us twitch is when people link to four or five different threads, all including maybe 2-5 comments from their character, often dropped by their character, just for the sake of passing the AC. It feels faked, probably by all parties involved. And that's no way to pass the AC either. ALSO THAT IS A LOT OF CLICKING
The solution:
We're extending the activity-checking period. Instead of two weeks, the period we check will be one month.
The requirements of said check will be these options: a) a journal entry, or b) 2-3 threads MAX with at least 30 comments between them.
REASONING FOR THIS: the post is self explanatory, but for the threads? When people fail or come close to failing an AC, it often comes down to us getting five links to short, newly started or dropped threads, sometimes as small as 2-3 comments long. It gets damn tedious to check all of those threads. So we figured- limit the number of threads, lengthen the requirements and the timeline. Fair enough trade? We hope so.
Aside from the above changes, the rest of the AC rules still apply.
We'd also like to take this time to emphasize the importance of using the Hiatus post if you're going to be unavailable for a while! A lot of people forget this. If it's a couple of days, a weekend, whatever, that's okay, you're probably safe. But anything close to a week or more, and you could risk missing an AC and getting yourself booted. So play it safe! The hiatus post is for your sake, not ours :|
It's Event Time Guys~
Since it's nearly February, what better way to carve a pathway towards the Month of Love than a Love Event! In other words,
You Are What You Love.
Or what you desire. Pine after. Adore~ It's... basically the polar opposite of the You Are What You Hate event; as the name states, you character will become, physically, whatever they love, or desire, etc. Just like before, this can be dramatic, or crackish, whatever your little hearts desire.
Your character can have up to two forms, like last time, and you can switch them around at your discretion. As usual the characters have no control over their own forms.
Since a character can "love/desire" a lot of things, this one's pretty open as far as what's acceptable. They could love a person, or a possession, or even just a concept or a thought. This could be hard to show visually, so you could choose some kind of embodiment that best fits said concept- such as a character loving justice so much they turn into a judge or something. Be creative! Go nuts!
If your character assumes a form that cannot usually speak -an animal, an inanimate object- their "thoughts" will be projected from their general person. Like a sound coming out of a speaker. Mono-style. Like the animal event way back in the day. For the sake of preventing boredom inanimate objects can flop around if you like, Brave Little Toaster style.
Yes, your character can assume the form of someone already in Luceti. Yes, your character can assume the form of someone not in Luceti. Yes, your character can assume the form of a summon. Yes, your character can assume the form of something absolutely gargantuan; if it is too big to fit in the barrier -like if it's the size of New York- then obviously you may want to shrink it down.
Your character should be affected only externally, unless whatever they're changing into is more of a concept, or emotion, or something complicated like that. If that's the case, feel free to alter the character to match such an ideal. For example, if we had a preteen Cloud who longed to be as confident as a SOLDIER, he could change into a SOLDIER physically and have the confidence he most desires.
It doesn't have to be what your character loves or desires most! Otherwise people might just change into their lovers right and left, and while that is perfectly okay, it's fun to stir things up a bit! Plus it might make for some interesting chats between couples about why one's boyfriend is a piece of cake instead of a carbon copy of his charming young girlfriend.
As always this event is optional. Take part or just sit back and laugh at the misfortune of others. Additionally characters can be affected early or late, whatever. We're not pushy with this one. HAVE FUN WITH IT!
The event will begin on Monday, January 24th at 12:01 AM (just after midnight) and will end on Sunday, January 30th at 11:49 PM. Both times EST as usual.
Questions, comments? Ask away. Oh right, and also-
I did some minor updates to the Rules, FAQ, and Nitpicker's Guide the last few days. Notable changes:
- Expansion on the activity check info, such as where it is and what it entails, so newcoming players will know what's expected of them beforehand.
- Very slight addendum to the canon-updates section, for clarification.
- Removed the "mod error exceptions" to two rules since I... don't think they're relevant anymore?
- Added a non-motorized clarification to the vehicles rule.
- The character limit, since there was no mass outcry about raising the number, is bumped to 8; there's also a mention of the fact that we'll be picky about who gets a 7th or 8th character, depending on activity.
- Updated the pet section to include new rules and Pet Registration
- Updated the Filial Spirits section with answered-question information.
- Updated a few of the wing details.
- Updated the Application schedule section and removed the "tentative" bit
Nitpicker's Guide
- Updated the Filial Spirits, Wings, Kidnapping, and Vehicles sections with answered-question information.
- Added some details on the ocean and removed mentions of the desert.
- Added a section for the Battle Dome.