Activity Check Reminder

Jun 16, 2011 00:28




ALMOST OVER! It ends at 11:59 PM on June 17th, so you have two days to toss up new links or fling us a PM about your activity.

The following list contains the players/characters in jeopardy:


If your username is on this list, it means you have not done one (or more) of the following:
  • posted to the Activity Check
  • spoken with a mod if your activity is insufficient ( + )
  • posted new activity for a failing character ( $ )

Those with a ( + / $ ) beside their names are still at risk, and they're on the removal list until they do whichever of the second two items they've missed. ALL OF THESE CHARACTERS WILL BE REMOVED IF YOU DON'T FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS ON THE AC.

Additionally there might be characters who have dropped (those who did not post to the friend add/remove). I've just been too lazy to check which is which since they'll get booted at the end anyway. PLUS if there are any mistakes on here in regards to activity feel free to point them out. Nobody's perfect. Apologies in advance.

Finally, the extra notes I added to the last few ACs, for reference:

1) If you were on hiatus shortly before or during the period the AC is checking for, and you only have a little activity to speak of, you're still okay, so don't stress! We don't expect people to come off hiatus and immediately pop out 30 comments or a post in a few days. Obviously if you have that, awesome! Welcome back to the game. But don't stress if you fall short, just mention that you were on hiatus and you won't be at risk at all. The intent isn't to terrorize people but to prevent squatting :|b

2) This is where I come down a bit harder on you guys, but- the issue of contacting mods. When you post to the Activity Check and you're not sure if it's enough, take the initiative and contact us yourselves. There are over 100 players at Luceti. We really can't go around chasing down players, especially with the differing schedules you all have. We're very easy to contact- AIM (the best way, since it's immediate), LJ PM, e-mail. And we're pretty easygoing with activity most of the time! We just want to find out what's up. So please, in the future, the first step has to come from you guys.

Also remember the event ends at the same time as the AC, so remembering is nice and convenient for everyone!

activity check

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